I have sold a few, but I need to sell lots more, so please order, will be a great Christmas present.

A short chapter from my book:
When Mason regained consciousness he rather wished that he hadn’t or that he was dead. Everything was in a haze of terrible, insurmountable and intense pain. He tried to look around, only the whole wide world seemed to have been split wide open and turned upside down. His left eye could barely open to a slit and seemed to be an extension of his body, the other swollen shut and his neck stiff and sore. His head felt thick and heavy and his body as if it had been lit up in a barn fire. Through the fog of his agony he deliriously considered that he might be dead and was in hell. The concept of judgment and death was new to him as he had never before given either a great deal of thought. He’d been raised as decent as the next man, but evil was always prevalent and he’d never paid much mind to anything that didn’t satisfy his personal gain.As a young man he’d had the reputation amongst his family and peers of being possessed with a temper as short as a used up match and at sixteen he’d killed his first man. After the first one, and the realization of how easy it was, he’d adopted a violent way of life. Predisposed with an uncommonly natural talent at handling firearms of any kind, he’d used his specialty of pistol shooting to become a gunfighter and outlaw, always scheming, conniving and manipulating. He was wise though and never put himself in the eyes, but preferred to play life like a game, instigating and creating vicious prairie wars amongst folk that had been right neighborly before his appearance. That was how he had escaped the rope, nobody knew him as the real culprit and there wasn’t a damn thing that could ever be proved against him, because, when trouble started, he was on a fast horse, lighting a shuck, and when the dust settled, he had long since vanished. He was a born leader with not one iota of respect for human life. All these traits he combined and chose to use for every wrong reason there was in the world.For more, you will have to order it.
Sexy legs for a beautiful Saturday morning, Fergie to me is not drop dead gorgeous, but she has amazingly sexy legs, and she knows exactly how to flaunt them.

Guess who these sexy legs belong to.

If you guessed Blake Lively, you were 100 % correct.

Guess that is enough for today, enjoy your weekend.