Here they are! I would like to mention though, there are some of my readers who have promised to send in leg pics but have not done so yet. I am planning to do more posts with reader's leg, so please keep sending them in. And please, this is no competition, it is a fun legs show, where we take a look at different readers', and/or bloggers' legs.
The first leg pics I received were from Treacle of the
Stockings Addict Lingerie BlogThis is what she send in for me to post, wearing a skirt, sexy stockings and ballet flats.

Oh, and if you have more than one pic you want to send in, please be my guest. I will select two of the pics and post them.
So here is another one of the lovely Treacle. Now Treacle's site name is not called stockingsaddict for nothing, lovely stocking she is wearing, again with a short-ish skirt and ballet flats!

Another lovely lady who sent in a pic is Kira from
unfortunately only one pic, so come on Kira, we hope you plan on sending in some more pics for future posts. There is no limit.
Kira loves heels, and here is proof. Short-ish skirt, halter neck top and a pair of peep toe high heeled shoes.

A person who I had to really convince to send in or make pics available is the
Evil shoe Fairy. She, doing her name justice, with the help of another blogger, Marie, who hasn't send in any pics yet, I might add, blackmailed me, in order for me to post these pics, but I will tell you more about it later.
Here she is flaunting her sexy legs, wearing a beautiful pair of heels and very sexy stockings. There is just something about a back seam stocking that shouts "bad ass sexy!!" Don't you guys agree? Sorry Fairy!

No stockings this time, but heels with an ankle strap, just as sexy....

Maxi of
Ovah' sent me this pic of her, wearing a lovely strappy top, short-ish skirt and heels, flaunting a pair of sexy legs and a beautiful smile. She looks stunning!

Now we get to the blackmail part. In order for me to get The Evil Shoe Fairy to agree on posting any of her pics, I had to agree to post pics of my legs. Now that was a nasty thing to do, but she is not called Evil for no reason, haha. So I agreed, but let the record show, my hand was forced. Now there were other readers who also hinted in that direction, but they were not quite as adamant as the Fairy. (Do not be concerned , I edited the pic so you cannot see my ugly face also.)
Maybe in order to make my argument a mite stronger, this blackmail actually also has a very nasty twist! Marie of
Bound and Determined Blogspot made Fairy's hand stronger, as she agreed on sending in pics on one condition, the Fairy had to post her pics. I might add, they normally team up against me, and make no mistake, they communicate by mailing each other in order for them to get a good hold on me. So, as you can no doubt see, I had no choice, had I refused, I would not have been able to add the Fairy's pics. Now it is up to Marie to come to the party.

I guess that is it for this time around. Those ladies who still aim on sending in pics, like Marie, Heidi, Dorothy, whose brainchild this is, I might add, please do so, I will post them as soon as I have enough to fill a post.
One last friendly request, please support these people, visit their sites, they are all great people to know.... the blackmail episode put aside, it is all done in good spirit.
My special thanks to these ladies who sent in their pics, I really appreciate your boldness.
Have wonderful week!