Today I thought we should take a look at sexy legs. The term "sexy legs" has earned me loads of traffic according to Feedjit.
Now why would that be? I think the main reason is because no woman can be accused of being trashy if she wears a neat, short skirt or dress, flaunting her legs, within limits of course. And that makes a pair of legs look sexy. The opposite is however true of boobs, if a girl should walk around topless in public, not only is it against the law, but she will not be very popular, to put it mildly. So the guys who favor legs have a huge advantage, I think.
Let's take a look at this picture of Alicia Silverstone. (her first time on my blog) She has nice legs, However, they are by no means fabulously shaped. But I am sure you will agree with me that they are sexy. Why? Because she is wearing a shortish dress? Or because she is wearing high heeled shoes? My guess, a bit of both. I will venture to say that had it not been for the heels, those legs would have been a mite below average. Sorry Alicia....!

Ali Larter caught wearing flat shoes. Now I would say those legs look pretty...uuhmmm...average!? Nothing about them shouting - "wow, look at me now!"

Now take a look at the same Ali Larter wearing heels, do you see a difference? I would say her legs just have more shape in those high heeled sandals. And she looks a lot more confident! The confidence I think comes with the height, it tends to give a lady that extra boost if she can look her male counterpart more or less squarely in the eye.

Now you add some tights or stockings, and the picture changes again. Stockings or tights, what ever you prefer to call them, adds some elegance and style to an outfit.
Fran Drescher, her first time also, shows us how it should be done, without looking trashy. I think you will agree with me, the stockings and high heels give her loads of extra style and elegance.

Anna Fariss looking mighty sexy, her legs in shape, wearing a pair of high heeled Louboutin shoes. I have to add, she looks especially lovely in this pic, love the white and black combination. She is glowing sex appeal!

Another new girl on the blog, Ashley Roberts, (honestly do not know what her claim to fame is) lovely legs, short skirt, sexy top, and of course the belt and heels to add the finishing touch. Add some red nail varnish, and you have a perfect picture.

This is such a beautiful picture of Diane Kruger, her legs are really complimented by the short dress and high heeled sandals. Again, the red nail varnish adds a nice finishing touch to the outfit. Obviously I also favor the red lip color....

I have included quite a few new faces in today's post. Hope you enjoy watching them.
What is your opinion, when would you say are legs sexy? And when are they really sexy?
Have a wonderful weekend.
I love Diane Kruger style!
C, please don't forget to enter Jackie neclace for Ur wife (if U have a mood)
Hi Janet, thanks will do, and thanks for dropping by. Diane is lovely.
Ali Larter & Ashley Roberts are deffintly my favorites in this post!! BTW Ashley is from The Pussycat Dolls !!
Legs definitely look sexier in heels than in flats. No question about it.
First I have to say that I love Fran!!! She has always had the most amazing legs.
Now for the bad part...
Ashley Roberts out fit...
Why? Why would you wear ankle boots and a skirt? It makes me sad in my heart space.
love the last shot of diane kruger she always looks beautiful
Stilettolover hi, :-) thanks for the info, when you get older, you tend to forget or not to notice, but that helps a lot.
Both girls you mentioned are great looking!
Thanks for visiting and commenting!
Jacqueline hi, I agree with you, that is a fact. Thanks for visiting and leaving a thought with us.
Marie hi, welcome back.. lol, yes, I used to not miss one episode of The Nanny, just because it was so entertainingly simple. And Fran does have fabulous legs and is very funny, specially when she starts talking. (if what she is doing can be called talking)
About Ashley and the the boots and skirt, that is fashion at the moment, and is very popular right now.
Thanks for visiting, and thanks for leaving your opinion with us, it was great hearing from you!
TheGlamorousEccentric, hi and welcome to my blog! I also loved that pic of Diane, she looks so fresh and lovely in that outfit. And yes, she is actually a beautiful girl. Thank you very much for visiting and thanks for commenting, I love "seeing" new faces on my blog!
Hi Colin! Nice to read your post again - always entertaining! And I am so glad for all those "Leg People". Because unless girls get surgery, it's pretty impossible to make breasts bigger. But legs can always be improved with proper workouts such as running, hiking, machines...
Speaking of, I better go do some lunges and squads. And I love the way Anna Faris's legs look in her picture.
Ali's legs sure looked way better with the sky-high heels!
Absolutely I think legs look more stunning in heels of course. But if you're in great shape and have a great set of legs, wearing flats with the right short jeans or skirt or sundress would be very sexy too.
I like legs with definition (that goes for Men too because I love men! LOL). For women, I would say Victoria Secret Models have such beautiful legs - they're slender and toned.
But what I don't like in particular is when the knee caps are larger than the thighs (ah hem, a lot of runway models). What do you think?
I agree with everything that Karen wrote!
Oh and I love Diane Kruger`s style!
Tris hi, hehe, yes leg people will always have that advantage.. the shape of a leg can be iproved, where breasts can only improve by surgery, and then it is still dicy... Thanks for the kind words and compliment, it is always nice to hear.
Thanks for dropping a line!
Noble hi, I agree with you on Ali's legs, they are so much better when she is wearing heels.
Thanks for commenting!
Karen I agree, legs must not be too skinny, there must be a calve and as you said, the knee caps shouldnt be bigger than the thigh.
However, flats? only good for walking next to the beach... hehe...or from the bedroom to the bathroom.. :-)
Thanks for dropping a line!
Mila hi and welcome. I think Diane looks stunning in that picture. She is a lovely girl. Thanks for sharing with us!
Mmmh YES Heels obviously are provided of such "leggylicious-issimes" sublimating virtues, AND it always sounds as a Dizzy Pleasure to see Women put on these Fetish fineries . . .
ps: Beyond that, I think that Diane Kruger is like Charlize Theron : The epitome of classical perfection, with Heels Or Not !!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
Hey there. I'm back from my blogging vacation. I hope you had a great week and weekend. I enjoyed myself this Thanksgiving holiday. I did miss your blog. Take care. Have a fantastic week ahead. Cheers!
Diane Kruger is such a style icon!
juliet xxx
Hey, Colin!!! :) Ali Larter can really wear a pair of heels if you ask me. :) She is stunning. She definitely looks better when she is sporting high heels or stilettos. :)
I love Diane!!!! she always looks stunning!
Stilettosetico, thank for sharing with us!
Keith, welcome back and thanks for the kind wishes.
Juliet, I agree with you, thanks for dropping by.
Stephanie, thanks for sharing, Ali is a honey, and she does look stunning in heels.
Loft in soho, you seem to be in great company, Diane is very popular and a favorite of most, thanks for sharing.
Very sexy legs....once again...very good choice Collin.
You should ask for photos from your readers of sexy legs and do a post on sexy bloggers legs :)
I Like Ali but Thanks so much for the comment and following me i really appreicate it...
Thanks for walking (no pun intended) us through what makes legs great or not!! Though, all their legs do look pretty good... but you're right - heels ALWAYS look better!
First of all I luv Diane Kruger, shes so stunning, I can only dream of having her figure and second of al I agree, heels always make everyone legs look better because they elongate your leg.
Also, I laughed when I read your really sweet comment, because I have WAY more things in my bag than those 7 items, so sorry to dissapoint you, those were only may 7 fav items : ) I think im worse than your wife though : )
Anyway, great hearing from you again and I look forward to your next post : ) xx
Dorothy,that is an excellent idea, maybe have a contest... and people can vote? Only I dont want my readers to feel offended or think I am a pervert for asking them to send their legs pics to me.. :-)
Thanks for dropping by and thanks for the smiles I get!
Fashion Whore, you are welcome, thanks for returning the favor!
Miss Caitlin S, thanks for leaving a thought with us, glad you agree on the heels factor... heels do make a leg look longer and better shaped.
Jasna, hehe, I was just surprised at how little stuff was in your handbag, now however, I understand better. :-)
Thanks for sharing a thought with us, I agree on Diane, she does look very sweet!
Great post, Colin. I really like what Anna Fariss is wearing. Her dress is so pretty and classy, and the CL shoes are gorgeous. Hope you had a good weekend and a wonderful thanksgiving :)
Carrie hi, Anna is a very classy and sexy lady.
Thanks for dropping a line!
From all these ladies i prefer Anna Fariss.She looks absolutely stunning!!!I love her dress and CL heels!
Have a nice week Colin:)
I know I already left a comment here, but I did want to thank you for your comment on my Gabrielle Union post. I'm also glad that you understand where I'm coming from about returning comments on my own blog. I'm already finding relief this morning.
hello Colin! i am finally back to visit you! and wow! Diane Kruger looks so pretty in those high heeled sandals and that pretty dress!i must say i envy her!
have a nice day! hugs!
Hello my dear friend Colin!
Always thanks for your support and friendship! I love to share our love for fashion! About me, I am so great after a very busy week...I am great to be back to normal life :)
About those legs, I love them! I am also crazy about Diane Kruger...I just saw her yesterday at the movie Inglorious Bastards...she is so great fancy there!!
wow-i find every woman in this post to be just the absolute coolest. Especially Anna and Alicia. And as far as Ali Larter, i have always said if i could swap bodies with one chick in Hollywood it would be her. She's just the right mix of fit and feminine.
Great post. You make an excellent point with the Ali pics!!
Diane Kruger is the most elegant actress at the moment
i loved all them outfits, really amazing... kisses... XOXO
you really know how to pick the sexy ones!!! haha
hope you're having a great week colin!
Hey! :)
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and saying hi, 'cos I got to find *your* blog! ;)
I love it, I like how you celebrate women - we need to do more of that in a healthy way!
As for when my legs are sexiest? Right after a good gym workout or in my highest heels :)
Off to link you...
<3 xxx
They are all such beautiful ladies! I love Reece's Nude dress! Its classic :)
I love the way you showed the difference between the look with flats and heels. Some of my friends that are tall are in a constant battle with the men in their lives because they want to wear heels that make them the same height. You just can't be dressed up without heels, plain and simple.
love the look of ali larter and ashlee robert, thanks for visit my blog
vuelve siempre :*
I definitely think legs are sexy! I have to say that I think they look best in high heels though.
Loving that shot of Diane Kruger! So gorgeous!
I like yours posts! Your blog is great!Yes, your wife ressemble a Liv Tyler!
Thanks for the comments in my blog!
Au revoir!
diane kruger has some legs to kill! ive posted a new poll in my blog, step by and vote later ;)
Loving the focus on fashion and legs. I've added you to my bloglist. Hope that's all right. :-)
gorgeous darling
i love your blog, keep it up
thanks for sharing
and thanks for the sweet comments
check out my blog @
I agree with you, the stockings and high heels give Fran loads of extra style and elegance.:-)
big fan of Ali!
For all things fashion:
Heels definitely add to any womans sex appeal. Diane K. looks fab. Love her! :)
PS - I have a great giveaway on my blog. Don't forget to sign up!
Love ashley's booties! definitely sexy!
Thanks Colin. I appreciate it. I'll be 39 in a couple of hours. I don't feel any different. The big birthday will be next year when I turn 40. I'm getting ready to post birthday posts on both my blogs if you wanna check them out. Cheers!
Ohh I love Anne Fariss ! And Diane Kruger definitely has a great sense of fashion :) Thanks for sharing these photos ! Now I think I know how to choose who has great legs , and who doesn't . Haha . Have a nice day Colin !
i def agree on your choice of Kruger having sexy legs. no comment about the rest in this post. i have my standards for assessing which legs are sexy.
Legs definitely look sexier in heels than in flats. No question about it.
Work from home India
I have to say that I love Fran!!! She has always had the most amazing legs.
Now for the bad part...
kobe beef steaks
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