Let's take a look at Angelina, first of all, and this is purely my opinion, but, she has a class of her own, I am sure, had she not been a well known celebrity, she would be one of those people who walks into a room and she immediately gets every one's attention.
Angelina looking lovely, wearing a shortish dress and sexy high heeled, peep toe shoes. Now I do not know about you, but I think she will have to put on a few pounds...

I couldn't help it, I just had to add this picture of Angelina and my childhood hero, The Dirty Harry detective, Clint Eastwood.

This to me is Angelina like I used to remember her, a really stylish girl. (carrying a little more weight) Don't you just love the dress, the high heeled peep toes, and what catches my eye is the red handbag matching the red toe nails and red shoes...

Now in my opinion, Megan Fox on the other hand, is more sexy, a sudden kind of sex appeal.... a sex appeal that kinda bumps into you.
Megan looking absolutely stunning in a short black number, wearing Christian Louboutin ankle strap peep toe shoes. Now her make up is brilliantly done, that in my opinion, is an eye catcher!

Megan looking breathtakingly stunning! Short black number, hair a mite wild, just the way I like it, a pair of high heeled peep toe shoes. In one word, fabulously sexy!! Did I say one word? Sorry, one cannot fully describe Megan in one word only.

Megan caught unawares, flaunting a pair of sexy legs, wearing a very ordinary dress in my opinion, with a pair of sexy high heeled sandals. I love her hair, it looks fantastic!

So what do you think, Megan, or Angelina?

You folks decide and give us your opinion...
If I had to, shall we say, risk my neck, I would venture to say, the guys and younger girls will vote for Megan, the more mature ladies will vote for Angelina.
Have a wonderful weekend folks!
Hi! Thanks for answering my question from the other day! Wow! You picked really great photos. Both Angelina and Meagan are breath-taking.
Funny you said that the more "mature ladies" will pick Angelina, because she is my hubby's pick. He's no lady, but he is mature. And he agrees with you in that Angelina is in a class of her own.
As for my opinion, I think Meagan has an in-your-face sex appeal. But there is an unmatched confidence in Angelina that separates someone sexy from someone extraordinary. So I will have to side with hubby and pick Angelina. But all in all, I love them both!
Hi Tris, you are welcome, thanks for giving a an idea on what to post next.
Thanks for leaving your thoughts with us. So Angie gets one vote.. :-)
I think both women are gorgeous. I never like to compare the two though cause I think of them as individuals and even though they look a lot alike, they're very different. I have a soft spot for Angelina and I just think she's absolutely beautiful. Megan Fox is also very attractive. Great post, Colin.
In my opinion, Megan Fox is prettier than Angelina. I don't find Angelina that beautiful, some other women are more beautiful than her for me.
But Megan has an amazing face and a stunning body.
I prefer Angelina as an actrice, but Megan is more gorgeous
Carrie, I agree, one should never compare people, specially not women, it is very dangerous, but you just gave a good run down on what I think many people will agree with you on.
Thanks for dropping a line and thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
Elise, I tend to agree with you, I think Megan is more beautiful and sexy, however, as an actress I do not think she will ever reach Angelina's standards.
Thanks for sharing with us!
I'm a guy and I'm going to pick Angelina. Even though I definitely think she could stand to put back on a few pounds. She's still very beautiful. She's got great style. I sure wouldn't throw Megan out of bed either though. I can imagine some wild times with that girl. Both are incredibly sexy.
I totally agree with Carry. And Angelina is older than Megan so we can't compare them because the first is more mature and more fashinated, while Megan is more fresh and sexy.. I don't know, is an hard decision.. I will keep being neutral :D
..So..Can I ask you where are you from?? And sorry for my bad english, surely I done some grammatic errors but I'm italian don't forget it ! XD kisses
I don't think Megan Fox will ever reach Angelina Jolie on a professional level. I think Angelina is far more talented in her acting. Plus, she's doing a lot of great things in the world by helping those less fortunate. Megan isn't.
However, when it comes to looks, I would have to pick Megan. I've never really been big on Angelina. But I think Megan is incredibly gorgeous.
Hey Colin!
Gosh, it's not easy to pick one woman over another...especially since one is quite older than the other and has a much more extensive career - it goes beyond looks for me. I mean, it'd be easier to compare if we fast forwarded Megan Fox 15 years or so. And for that, I can't recall Angelina Jolie 15 years ago - not sure how she was like back then but Megan Fox oozes sex appeal. I have to be honest - I think in the last few years Angelina AND Brad her husband have aged a lot and my friends have agreed as well - you can tell if you see their face. I mean, it's human but they're aging faster than say Demi Moore (who had work done on her face I believe?). You know who I think is young but looks a bit classier like Angelina yet a little less sex appeal than Megan (but stunning nonetheless) - Scarlett Johansson or Natalie Portman.
In regards to our convo: Uh oh, you're going to realize how blog illiterate I am...what's a link list? *looks embarassed*
Have a fantastic weekend as well! (at least you can spend time with your wife when she's done work on Sat & spend Sunday with her too!)
I think that Megan is way more prettier then Angelina is now or ever was, but Angelina has great acting skills and so far Megan hasn't proved to have them. I'm still a much bigger fan of Megan's though.
Angelina is number one for me becouse of her role as Lara Croft;)I love Tomb Raider and i can watch that movie again and again.
But Megan is more beautiful and also more sexy:)
Have a great weekend Colin!
I had been waiting for this one, believe me ;D
In my opinion, being quite a youthful one, Megan gets my vote. I have never found Angelina so stunning, not even pretty tbh. I don't like her whole poise, whereas Megan does have a certain Angelina flare, she has her very own category. Angelina is quite outdated in my opinion, and lately Megan has been doing a lot of great jobs and finding herself quite in the spotlight.
I do want to compare Megan to Barbara Mori, a Mexican actress. I think you can make a full comparison of those 2 and end up with the same result, both of them fit in the same category ;]
Great post, as usual !
Actually, after reading some of the comments up there I'd also like to add that in all honesty I can't remember any good roles played by Angelina 15 years ago - now, if I think about Megan I'm pretty sure she will be around quite a lot more.
One of the last roles I saw Angelina play quite well was the one in the Substitute and I gotta say she did pretty well, but I'm entirely sure not even half her movies have been that good.
Just a thought haha~
Hey, Colin!!! :) I have two words for your ANGELINA JOLIE would kick Megan Fox's ........ if you know what I mean. She is absolutely gorgeous. And did you see her in the movie Wanted. Holy Crap, she was awesome and to this day she is so fit. :)
There is a great resemblanse, but megan is little bit too skinny, she misses the curves that angelina has -or she'll get them as she gets kids, who knows.
What I think is funny is how in Angelinas early days (when she caried that bottle of blood around) she wasn't considered as the bombshell that she is today. So most likely the next Birgitte Bardot alias Angelina will be some one compleatly different.
juliet xxx
None of them (I will be hate for this) but Angelina is too thin now.. and Megan looks too slutty to me
Keith, thanks for your input, I believe you when you say you will not throw either out of bed, I am sure most men feel like that.
VerLuisant, I agree, it is difficult, and I am glad you risked an opinion! I will personally not rate one higher than the other, both have great qualities, even if not in the same category.
Thanks for leaving your thoughts with us. (I am from South Africa, and your English is great!)
Little Red, you took the words right out of my mind, I fully agree with you!
Thanks for sharing with us, a very accurate argument if I have to judge.
Karen, you are right of course in your viewing the facts. I agree that Megan oozes sex appeal, however, I doubt that we will still hear of her in 15 years time. Demi has aged well, however, and I also suppose she has work done on her face, but if you look carefully at her knees, you actually see that her age is catching up with her. (she needs some surgery done there too :D)
Thanks for sharing with us. I will explain linking to you on your site.
I am going to enjoy Sunday with my wife, you can bet your life on it.
Stilettolover, I fully agree with you, Megan has the looks and sex apeal, and Angelina has the acting qualities.
Thanks for sharing with us!
Nuheila, a wise argument, I agree with you, although I have never seen Tomb raider.
Thanks for sharing with us!
Mesha, thanks for that, I'd take it as a compliment. I have never heard of Barbara Mori, but I do agree with you that Megan has the sex appeal that Angie doesnt have.
I have seem some great movies of Angie, I have still to see any movies of Megan, I have just never seen anyhting of her, but I will make a point of seeing some. Right now I think she is more sexy than Angie, but I think she has yet to proof her acting skills...
Thanks for sharing with us, and welcome on my site!
Stephanie, well I would categorise you as a more mature lady... :D No I havent seent that movie, not that I can remember, but then my memory is more or less as long as my nose... I am quite concerned with Angie's weight, she is way too skinny!
Anyway, be that as it may, thanks for dropping in and sharing with us.
Juliet, thanks for sharing with us. Dont you think Angelina is a mite skinny right now? Thanks for leaving an honest opinion, I love to hear the different arguments, it makes the discussion so much more interesting.
Thanks for dropping in! YOu are always welcome.
Atelier, no one is going to hate you, that is just your opinion, and you have the right to air that. I fully agree that Angie is too skinny, however, Megan being slutty, well we have a difference of opinion there, I will classify her as sexy, but my wife will more than likely agree with you. :)) I appreciate you being completely honest, I opened the dicussion to get different opinions, and what you said is what I hoped for, a difference of opinion.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for sharing with us!
oh honestly i can't really decide . they both are beautiful , stylish . hmm . what i can say is , in my opinion megan's acting skill is not that good . and angelina's is real good . they're both beautiful , but i think megan is kind of sexy , maybe ? i love them . and i just can't decide . haha .
Becky, I agree with you, both are great, each in her own field.
Thanks for sharing with us!
Thanks for your sweet comment and some great advice! i love both these girls but think they are both unique. If i had to pick my fav i'd say Angelina. Purely down to her charity work and amazing way she turned her life around.
For all things fashion:
i really, really, really want to like Megan Fox, but there's just soemthing about her that's kind of desperate. It's like "I'm sexy, right?!? Right?!? Someone tell me i'm sexy!!!" She's got that whole dark, edgy and tattooed thing I love so much but she just doesnt have the intelligence or originality to back it up like Angie. Lately Angelina's looked like a bag of bones though, but even still i'd choose Angie.
Can neither be an answer?
I'm not particularly fond of either of them. If it comes down to acting ability, however, it would be Angelina. Even though she bugs me...
yo las veo muy delgadas pero las tiene estupendas!
No Offense to Megan Fox but she will never hold a candle to Angelina Jolie. She just does not exude the same quality of sex appeal that Angelina does and has done:)
Missy, you are welcome, you deserve it. A very wise choice, thanks for sharing that with us.
Thank you for dropping a line and thanks for sharing an honest opinion with us!
Mrs M, I tend to agree with you, in a way that is very true about Megan. I also agree with you that Angie will have to look at her diet, she is loosing it.
Thanks for sharing with us, and welcome to my site! I hope to see you again soon.
Marie, certainly neither can be an answer, you have freedom of speech around here... :-) I agree with you on acting ability, Angelina can act, but I have never seen Megan act, so I cannot judge her acting abilities.
Thanks for visiting, long time no see, but I always enjoy reading your comments, be it positive or negative. :))
Mqr, thanks for visiting, although I cannot understand one word you said. I am sure it means something nice, will try and get it translated. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us anyway!
Hope to see more of you and welcome to my site.
Dorothy, I know you are an Angelina fan, I was waiting for your comment...hehe... Thanks for sharing, as I have said, I have never seen Megan's acting ability, but I know Angelina is great.
Thanks for sharing with us Dorothy, as always a very openminded and honest opinion!
Team Megan all the way. I think A. Jolie is overrated - she isn't all that gorgeous if you ask me.
And I feel that M. Fox's outfits are a whole lot classier as well as fun compared to Anjelina's which are a bit drab, except for the pearl white dress she wore.
Now Megan can't really reach the professional success Angelina has, but Megan would without doubt, get my vote. Whereas Angelina's fashion choices have become quite predictable recently and she rarely, if ever, surprises, Megan is so fun, overtly sexy and fresh. She has a gorgeous face, coupled with a sexy body and a young sense of fashion. Atleast no one can accuse her of being predictable and boring!
C C hi, well I am glad to see Megan does have some loyal followers. I must admit, she is exciting, and not at all boring.
Thanks for dropping a line, and thanks sharing with us.
Noble, well said, I am not sure at all about Megan's acting skills, have never seen her movies, but she is certainly exciting and always in the lime light.
Thanks for dropping in and leaving your thoughts with us.
I totally agree with your words, especially about gelina Jolie'silhouette . BUT I vote without any kind of hesitation FOR Megan "I am a Scorching BOMBshell" Fox, who IS SEX-Appeal ("Beads of sweat") !!! Doubtlessly Angelina Jolie is provided of a "Femme Fatalesque" Aura, BUT Megan Fox is More "NextDoor Fantasy" . . .
à Bientôt, Antoine
Oh I love that last picture of Megan!
And I agree with you Angelina should put a bit more weight to look sexier.
Have a nice week, Colin
Antoine, thanks for your input, I agree with you about Megan being a scorching bombshell, she has a very sudden sex appeal, which make heads turn.
Thanks for visiting and thanks for always leaving great comments.
Ths Seeker, thanks for dropping in. It is sad to see Angelina loose so much weight, she needs to put on a few pounds, that is for sure.
Thanks for sharing a thought with us.
Hmm interesting post : ) I like them both although I have never really been a huge Angelina fan as I luv Jeniffer Aniston, but she is stunning and so is Megan. I cant really choose : ) Thank you so much for your really sweet birthday message, I had a stunning day on Saturday, thank you!!! : ) xxx
I´m Susanof blog masqueropa. This blog this one in Spanish but You can select the language with With the tool that this one arrives at the right.
fashionJazz, you are welcome, glad to hear you had a great day.
Thanks for sharing a thought with us, always love to hear from you.
Susan, thanks I have been to your site, and I used the translater. thanks for returning to my site, hope to see you here again soon.
Angelina all the way!!!
Gorgeous post, Colin!
i think she has to put on some weight as well. but she is still a gorgeous mum&woman.
im not into fox fun club. shes pretty and all, but thats what she is. i dont feel there is nothing behind the make up.
hi colin! great post! it really is a good question because they're both so stunning.
i think they're both fabulous in their own ways.
my preference is angelina - because she seems quite smart. and i think that makes her even more attractive.
hope you have a wonderful day! :)
Coutur Carrie, thanks for dropping by, glad you enjoy the post. Angelina it is, if you say so.. :-)
Thanks for sharing with us!
Ryder, welcome to my blog. You are not the only person thinking that way, so you are in good company.
Thanks for dropping in and for leaving a thought with us.
Pina Colada, wow, that is a way of promoting yourself...!!
Joelyne, I guess you are right, both are great in their own way, however, good way of putting it, you made a very wise decission.
Thanks for dropping in and thanks for leaving a comment with us, I value your input.
I vote for BOTH ... yep
Speedcat, welcome to my blog. Great choice!
Thanks for dropping by.
thank you so much for your comment on my blog colin ! can't wait to see more of your post :)
In my humble opinion both are very sexy, pretty and of course they have a huge sex appeal but for me someone truly stunning is Charlize Theron, beauties like her there are few in the world.
If I really had to choose I'd have to say Megan Fox for me. Something about her that appeals to me
Angelina, without any doubt
Becky hi, you are welcome!
Thanks for dropping in and leaving a thought.
Olga, your opinion is all but humble, I value your input. I agree, both are sexy, and I also agree that Charlize is fabulous.
Thanks for commenting, your input is always welcome!
Wiggy, welcome to my site, hope you enjoyed your stay.
Megan certainly has loads of sex appeal!
Thanks for dropping in and thanks for commenting. Hope to see you again soon.
Evqua hi, well your certainly have made your point very clear. Thanks for sharing with us!
I hope to see you again soon!
I love both super girls, but i prefer... A.J. =;-D
Visit mY blog&FOLLOW ME!=;-D
Clauvesfashion, thanks for leaving a thought with us, love to hear from you!!
I never like to compare the two though cause I think of them as individuals and even though they look a lot alike, they're very different.
Work from home India
Prashant, you are correct of course, but sometimes it is fun to see what people think.
Thanks for commenting!
there is an unmatched confidence in Angelina that separates someone sexy from someone extraordinary.
Work from home India
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