Not the best picture, but Dita Von Teese is a big fan of sexy stockings! I have never seen Dita in flat heeled shoes, so she must be a fan of stockings and heels!

Me? I am kind of sitting the fence here, bare or stockings? Both are sexy to me. As Jennifer Aniston demonstrates here, what's wrong with those legs?

However, when Kate Beckinsale wears stockings and boots, she will always get my vote, she looks very elegant and sexy in stockings and heels. If you are a regular reader of my blog you will also know that Kate is the one lady I have lots of respect for, one of my all time favorites.

I am not a fan of stockings and sandals, but this picture proofs that Katy Perry loves stockings and heels. She also has the legs to go with it. I have actually seen quite a lot of pictures of her wearing stockings.

Please, do not wear flats with stockings, it is like driving a white Ferrari...(and a Ferrari must be red!) Katy demonstrating exactly that. Now you tell me, which picture is better, the flats or the heels...!

But then Katy also has beautiful legs when not wearing stockings, but goes bare legs with heels. This picture is a great example of her flaunting her beautiful legs, wearing high heels shoes.

I am not a Paris Hilton fan, but I found this picture of her wearing stockings and heels, and she looks quite fetching. Actually very sexy!

I guess that is all for today, you tell me what you think, stockings and heels? Sexy or not?
I am still doing the readers legs thing, so if there are any readers who are brave enough to send in their leg pics, please be my guest, I have a few that I haven't posted yet, so I can put up another post of readers legs. Come on ladies, send them in!
Have a wonderful week!
Jennifer Aniston looked so great in that dress. Gorgeous legs on all these ladies. I love tights and leggings =) Great post Colin! xo
Stockings and heels are definitely sexy, but so are stockings and flats, and bare legs and sandals and so forth and so on.
I'm a big believer that sexiness is less about what you wear and more about who you are. Dita von Teese could make a burlap sack sexy...high heels or no.
Stockings and heels looks always sexy.From these pictures i adore most Jennifers,she has beautiful legs and she looks stunning on that dress.I think lately Paris has dress better than before,i ve seen lot s of nice outfits on her.
Have a great week,Colin!
Jennifer Aniston looks beautiful and her legs are amazing.
I love flats and stocking, Victoria Beckham wore stocking and flats recently and she looked so good.
I luv tights withe everything, but it depends on what u wear with them and how you style the outfit. These ladies all look super chic!! Thanks again for a stunning post!! Hope u had a amazing wknd! xx
I'm sorry but I hate Katie Perry...ewwww....whatever....haha....Thanks for the kind words last week;) Soooooo sweet!:)
Enjoy this day!
Dita is always so chic! I think the flats work better than sandals, sandals look just silly.
juliet xxx
Dita is always so chic! I think the flats work better than sandals, sandals look just silly.
juliet xxx
Well at least somebody disagree with me, I really enjoy your opinions about the flats... I guess it is a matter of taste.
To me a girl with flats just do not look as good as a girl with heels... my opinion...
Juliet, I agree with you about sandals and stockings...
Dita is the best!
P.S.: ♥Please don't forget to join the Gypsy Warrior Brand's giveaway!♥
Good luck!
Jen's legs are so great!!
she has an amazing body!!
Goooorgeous post, Colin!
Hope you have a fantastic week too!
Hmmm...this is tough to pick. I like all 3. I think stockings look the best with boots. Like Kate Beckinsale.
i think almost everything can look good when done right and most of these ladies are examples of that. Although i am with you on Katy Perry's flats look.
Stockings and heels are the way to go, and Aniston looked amazing, her legs are fabulous
Jennifer Aniston, Katy Perry, and Paris Hilton are my favorites in this post!! They all look incredible!!
Awww, Jen looks so cute. She is one of my favorites. :) Her and Gerry are so cute together. :) Hope all is well with you, Colin!!! ;)
I usually think that you need stockings with heels, but I guess if your legs are perfectly tanned (like jennifer Aniston) than you can get away with bare legs. The man in the photo with her certainly seems to approve.
Colin you're completely wrong. ;)
I love all of these so much! great choices! Everyone criticized Jen. Aniston for how high the slit went but how could you say that it isn't beautiful?
check out my blog!
kate beckinsale always has my vote too! gorgeous!
Hi Colin!
I left you an award at my post just now! Please come get it?!
Love Dita Von Teese and J.Aniston~!
Stockings and heels every time, unless you have perfectly tanned and honed legs. I have recently re-discovered my legs and since moving down here and doing much more walking and generally running around, they are back in shape so I intend to show them a little more, but not bare until it warms up. Very glad to have found your gorgeous blog.....
absolutely love them all!
paris looks fabulous in that pic x
I think stocking and heels can be quite sexy!
I'm loving that shot of Katy Perry in the pink dress. Her legs look great!
I pick bare legs over stockings any day!
But I hate stockings with peep toe heels so much, you can see the end of the stockings buched up at the end of your feet which I just dont think is a good look!
Nice post :)
Oh my Colin! Lovely legs of celebs here. And yes ---- no to stocking plus flat shoes...
I do not also go for sandals and stockings but the photo above is an excuse.
I still haven't joined the contest! Oh my! Do I still have time to join?
Stockings and heels is definitely the way to go. Jennifer Aniston looks stunning with her bare legs.
Hi Colin, thanks for your sweet comments! I have to disagree with you about stockings & flats - it's my look & totally laid back sexy.
hahaha. i love the line where you mentioned that stockings and flats feel like a white ferrari. lol! i just enjoyed that.:) great blog you have here!
p.s. id love to exchange links with you.:)
No doubt, the second one legs are my fav!!
love all of the legs except for paris hilton's...
and I will be more than glad to exchange links! I will add it right now. :)
Love Dita!
A Thanks message for you at my blog!
You are the best my friend :)))
colin, i'll add your badge to my site with pleasure!
colin, i'm now a follower too! yay for sexy legs and body!
dita looks gorgeous
this is the most interesting blog ever :D you must rly love legs hhh :D
I find your point of view very interesting. I am not sure if this is a cultural thing or whar but here, in Spain and I thought everywhere,it is very usual to wear stockings and heels and stockings and flats. i wear them all the times. Not wearing stocking usually happens in the summer time.
B* a la Moda
no doubt, stockings and heels are totally sexy.
I have never realised the stunning legs of Miss Aniston!!
I love your pic header!! :) Mon Mode Blog
Oh, great idea for a post and so interesting to hear a guys honest opinion!
I like both, and I really love all the ladies you picked out here.
So, what do you think of over the knee socks?! Hee hee, yes or no?!
I'm wearing them in my latest post, so give me your opinion please! :)
Knee high socks and over the knee socks with heels could be a great post for you to do! I'd love to see everyones opinions :)
Hope you're well hon!
<3 xxx
my think sex started from leg
if your leg looking attractive so people can also attract with you
and also fit your body
so you say right
i love how katy perry wears it!
even in the cold I wear heels without stockings! is much more elegant
The picture of Kate Beckinsale is simply the best ever! She is stunning; I can never get enough of her!! :)
I'm so diggin' Kate's look!
yep...def "stockings, legs and heels are a winning combination" ^.^
I just ADORE Dita, she is my absolute favorite!
I just ADORE Dita, she is my absolute favorite!
ooh those pics are making me see green! esp loved Jennifer, Katy and Kate and I completely agree with your take on Paris, Dita and White Ferraris too!
thank you for lovely comment on my blog and for following...i'm following you back. looking forward to many more of such fabulous posts...
~ Persis.
love flats and stocking, Victoria Beckham wore stocking and flats recently and she looked so good.
my lingerie blog
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