First of all, I am extremely camera shy, I do not look good on camera, specially not when I laugh, it is true, believe me.
That is why Yolande has to steal pics of me, like this one! Jesse and me spending some quality time together.
My history in a nutshell, I used to be a police detective, almost 23 years of my life, (will not go into detail) I retired as a result of an injury on duty. Currently I am my own boss, I am in the property business and believe it or not, it is actually, surprisingly, going very well.
When first I started blogging, I had no intention of doing anything related to fashion. I started to promote my wife's business at the time. With time I realized there is money to be made by blogging, so I looked for a direction that will get attention on a wide field. Now my wife, Yolande, is not a fashion slave, but she does not leave home without make up and she always dresses well. That helped me a lot as I had absolutely zero knowledge of fashion and what woman wear, however, studying other blogs, got me started and this is where I am today.
Yolande is unfortunately also camera shy, so to get her to pose for pics takes a whole heap of work. So I tend to stick to celebs for examples.
Yolande and I have two kids, Amore, 10, from her previous marriage, an extremely talented and beautiful young lady, and Jesse, our son, now 3 and a half years. Meet the family, mom and daughter ready for a country and western evening. Heeeyaaaa! The broncs were all tied outside...
Amore and Jesse, Amore took part in a fun contest at school. Like mother like daughter, loves to dress and look smart.
The day Jesse was born, this pic I took about 4 hours before he saw the light.

Mother and son.
Yolande arriving at church on our wedding day. The limo was a surprise, my brother arranged it without us knowing about it. (that's him on the other side of the car)
Happily ever after... Amore was still very small then.
Another pic of Amore quite a few years later, actually just the other day.
Last one, Mr Charming, or should I say Mr Hard ass... he takes after his mom...haha....
Now you have seen it all, ok, almost, any questions, send them in and I will try and reply.
Enjoy the rest of your Easter weekend!
I really LOVE this post Colin!!!
All the pictures are great but i adore the first one;)You have beautiful family,thanks for sharing this with us!
Aw what a lovely family you have- these are such cute photos!!
Awwww so cute, nice family :D
Awesome post!! You have a fab family you're a very lucky man!!
Your family is gorgeous Colin! Beautiful ladies and that little boy of yours is such a cutie. Your wife looks amazing so I am surprised to hear she is so camera shy. She is beautiful! Have a great Easter. xo
Colin this is your best post ever. What a lucky man you are, you have such a gorgeous family. Amore is beautiful and Jesse is just adorable. Yolande is as beautiful as I imagined. Can't believe you were a police detective. How interesting. You sure are a man of mystery.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. All my love to the family .
Dena xoxo
Very nice getting to know you better. You have a beautiful family!
U have a beautiful family Colin, your son is adorable on the last pic. :)
♥ beautiful. But I knew that before all the pics:) Nice to see the love though! Hope your all having a glorious weekend! Enjoy the fam:)
You and your family are absolutely gorgeous, Colin! It is so wonderful to finally get the chance to "meet" the man behind Sexy Legs and Body!
Happy, Happy Easter! I hope that your day is full of chocolate-covered bunnies and colorful eggs!! :)
That's great learning more about you, and lovely pictures. What a great looking family!
Have a Happy Easter!
Your son is adorable! Thanks for letting us know more about you :)
Thanks for sharing! I love this family pictures! You look like a great family!
B* a la Moda
wow, I think this is a sensible part of yours, your family ^.^ thanks for sharing, suppose all your readers will apreciate it
The childre are so cute! Love your red dress
You have a beautiful family and you are so lovey!!! LOve your personality and I am so sure you are terrific father and husband. Your wife is so beautiful and you are lucky to have her and she is also lucky to have you!
Thanks so much for this post! I am in love for your beautiful son-boy!
all my love for you all,
beautiful kids beautiful pics
Finally! Juhuuu! I was scared to ask for those pictures :)
You have a beautiful family. Thank You to share with us!!!
Sleeping pictures is very cuteeeee!
PC in the backround...hihih
This is my fav post ever! Your family is stunning and I loved that you shared everything with us!! Hope u are having a lovely wk!! xxx
Great post. It was nice to learn more about you. Loved the photos!
Loved learning about you and your beautiful family. Great pics!
Will the real Colin please stand up....oh and you did...finally~
So nice of you to share your family with us and what a beautiful family at that.
You should be proud have done well~
Awww Colin, it's so nice to see pictures of you and your beautiful family. It definitely adds a personal touch to your blog. Jesse is so cute!!! And Amore is very pretty. And the weather looked gorgeous on your wedding day :)
Really cute! Thank you for the glimpse into your life, I have wondered about you as well and it's so nice to put a face to your beautiful family!!! Don't be hard on yourself about the pictures!
hi colin...
thanx for answering my curiousity by this post..i apreciate that.
i really love ur story in that post. now we know who u are and who ur family are. i love ur fam, it's such a lovely family..
i like ur daughter's black dress..
thanx again for being blog friend colin,
hope ur family are always happy..
This is my first time here and I must say I was so surprised scrolling down from the sexy legs pictures to see the picture of a sleeping man and find out it's the writer o of the blog. And I was positively surprised, that is! What a refreshing thing that we bloggers aren't just young women. You just proven that anyone can write a blog, about fashion for that matter, and do a God damn good job of it too. I just added you on my bloglovin and sure will come back again! Keep up the great work and hey, what a nice family you seem to have.
Love from Paris,
A: I was unsure to post it or not actually thinking maybe you wouldnt like it, so I am happy you appreciated it. But I really meant it. I think your learning process is going good, and you are stronger than many others. Keep up the good job and whether it is the subject or not you still seem to have a lot of followers, so you sure must be doing something right!
A: I was unsure to post it or not actually thinking maybe you wouldnt like it, so I am happy you appreciated it. But I really meant it. I think your learning process is going good, and you are stronger than many others. Keep up the good job and whether it is the subject or not you still seem to have a lot of followers, so you sure must be doing something right!
Waaaouw your family is stunning!
You all look very happer 2gether!
Wish you an entire life of happiness!
Thanks for the follow on Blog Frog. You have a great blog and beautiful family.
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