This is the absolutely amazing story of a very brave young lady. She is only 16 years old and is sailing around the world all on her own. Just the thought gives me goose pimples, and in the same breath scares me to death.
Here is a picture of Abby on her yacht, Wild Eyes.

And here Abby is in Cape Town harbor where she had some repairs done to her yacht. Welcome in South Africa Abby! I hope you enjoy your stay, (not sure if she is still here) but may God sail with you!

Please visit Abby at Abby's blog drop her a line, and follow her solo trip around the world. I am sure she can do with all the support she can get.
Have a wonderful week and best wishes to you Abby!
That is an amazing story. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, this is awesome! Talk about a dream come true. I would love this. Thanks for sharing Colin! xo
Awesome story! :)
P.S. - ♥Please don't forget to join the leather keychains GIVEAWAY!♥ Good luck! ♥
but i´m so afarid of everything i can´t control!!!
how are you doing? everything ok?
Thanks so much for your always so sweet words! It means so much! About a video, at the end of the year I will be in a ballet festival, I promise to record or to shot something for the blog!
Thanks always for your support and friendship,
see you so soon,
Your blog is so cool! I just love it.
My best wishes to Abby too!
Have a lovely week.
What a brave young woman Abby is! I wish her all the best in her travels around the world as well :)Thank you for sharing Colin! I hope your week is off to a great start.
Amazing story!Thanks for sharing this with us Colin.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
Hello Colin,
Humble blog??? Your blog is amazing!I am following you.
She's one brave girl. Good luck and best wishes to her.Everybody Loves Sex Toys
what a inspiring young lady and brave. I am off to check out her blog. thanks for sharing darling.
Dena xoxo
wonderful story colin..
and thax for sharing and for giving a meaningfull commentin my previous post..
What an inspiring post Colin, shes amazing! Thank you : ) Hope u are having a lovely week! xx
you guys looks nice
enjoy have a great day
Wow, this is a great post!
Have a nice day!
I just saw this on the news, and it is an amazing story. I can't imagine attempting something like this at any age, but it does seem especially scary at 16.
Truly remarkable. Very brave!
thanks for sharing collin..
very amazing and brave Abby. adore her!!
Bravo!A brave and beautiful young girl!
I love sailing too but in more easy waters!
They are genetically modifying the food so that the REAL NORMAL SEEDS will eventually be extinct and the modified canola, corn, soy and cotton seeds will be the ONLY ones left. Genetically modified means that these NEW seeds that are in almost ALL USA store bought products have the herbicide, fungicide, pesticide and who knows what already in the seed. THEREFORE, when you eat that mishmash, WHO THE HELL KNOWS WHAT IT WILL DO TO YOUR INTESTINES OVER TIME! And of course, the industry (Monsanto) TELLS US.."'s ALL safe to eat jajajaja". SAFE TO EAT? Just look at the bees landing on these genetically modified crops and their stomachs are being ripped apart & THEY DIE! Yet you SEE HOW funny it is on TV/MEDIA that NOBODY, including the M.A.D. payed-off demonic scientists don't even whisper/mention the OBVIOUS that i just stated here?
Like i said, i can go on and on for days giving you more & more & more examples of the gradual demonic end-game these M.A.D. are playing with us. But like i said, i think you all reading this get the picture. And by the way, i am a Dr. and guess what? I DO NOT WORK FOR THE M.A.D. OR HAVE SOLD MY SOUL TO A DEMON! But....i live in virtual poverty somewhere on this planet with a family to feed and barely scrape by. And IF you think that sounds bad, well, this AIN'T nothing compared to what the M.A.D. have in store for ALL of us in the aforementioned countries (and more) i listed. And again, ALL their moves are subtle and gradual like a chessgame being played out with the regular folks as the pawns.
I sometimes WONDER WHY the regular folks in these countries NEVER do ANYTHING TO STOP these demonic morons. It doesn't matter IF you vote Republican or Democrat because from those 2 choices, they are BOTH a part of M.A.D. Same with Canada and their Liberal or Conservatives...same M.A.D. , and on and on and on. I sometimes NEVER see ANY of these M.A.D. criminals go to trial or imprisoned for fraud on the people yet IF little billy J-Walks across a bussy street he gets a ticket he must pay! When will Bush Jr. & Cheney and ALL those involved in blowing up 3 buildings in Manhattan and blaming it on Arabs EVER be brought to justice? NEVER because when it FINALLY is discovered what they did, they'll be safely dead from old age and the vast majority of the people in the USA will be soooo brainwashed with NO moral/familiy values they will have already taken up the 666 mark and be worshipping the anti-christ.
veryinteresting, and what an idea. cool. will check out that blog for sure.
What a brave young lady! I have been following her in our news here, but it was lovely to see a picture! I don't know if I was her parent,,, I would be able to sleep at night!! Cheers, Susan:)
a girl from Australia is just about complete this feat
very interesting post
She is so brave; I commend her for taking on such a terrifying challenge!! :)
Hello Colin,
Thank you! You make me happy.
So totally inspiring and empowering. This young lady is an example of the way life can and should be lived...with hope, desire, energy and goal oriented~
Collin...a very inspiring true life story and I thank you for spreading such positive energy and hope~
yeah these was amazing..:)
Other blog's
Really amazing story.Thank you Colin at you tell this!:)
Great Blog!
- Adele
you're blog is amazing and those photos are breath- taking...
that is terrifying. i would not be able to do that.
ps. are you excited for the world cup?? are you going to any of the games? so jealous!
can you update your blogs ok
i felt bored seeing same post ok
take care i think u will update it
Greetings from the State of Georgia, Colin! Terri Smith here from Dimples & Dragonflies. Thanks for popping by and leaving your recent comment. When I stopped by to visit this a.m., found your posting on Abby. WOW..what an incredible story. I'll be following her progress and appreciate you having brought her story to my attention.
BTW (by the way)..I'm lovin' your blog. Sometimes as an artist I forget the importance of dressing with such style and grace. Wear mostly tee shirts and jeans while in the studio..but looking through these lovely photos sure encouraged me!
Again, thanks for popping over to my site and I'll for sure revisit here as often as I can.
Blessings, Joy & Summer Sunshine, Terri Smith
Way cool. Love your blog too. I just scrolled through some of your leg pics. Fun stuff. Thanks for dropping by.
Wow,she is brave...BUT now, that I know how is to be a Mom , i would NEVER let my kid do that.
Hello. I hope this finds you doing well. I've been on a blogging hiatus since the beginning of the year, so it's been quite some time since I've been around to visit some blogs. I'm back from my break now. I wanted to make sure to visit your blog. I enjoyed checking out the latest posts on your blog. Great job. I'm back blogging now myself. I hope you'll take a look at what I'm doing. Thanks. Take care. Have a great week.
Colin, thanks for your comment on my post. I definitely don't believe in coincidence either. Praying that you have a blessed week. :-)
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