"Colin I like to see more post from you on beauty seen by men, what do they find attractive in a woman when it comes to character and looks.
"What are the biggest turn off according to Colin?"
Mighty dangerous ground? Yep, it is, specially coz 90% of my readers are ladies.
I think men are more inclined to look at a girl's "outer" than her "inner" qualities.... first impressions anyway.
What I first look for in a girl is femininity, I like a girl that is soft, feminine and girly. She doesn't have to be drop dead gorgeous, or have a perfect figure. There are loads of less beautiful and less sexy girls out there that will catch the average male eye just as fast as the most beautiful girl in the world. (sometimes even faster, coz the most beautiful girl might think the sun is shining out of her backside, a major turn off!) Now to me there are certain things that are synonym with femininity, and again, this is my preferences. Long, well kept hair, color varnished nails, make up, a dress or skirt, heels, ear rings. You will notice that these are all things that a man is not suppose to use or have, or wear.
Let's look at Heather Tom, the perfect example of what a girl should look like. Now I specially love her hair.

Something else that catches my eye is confidence. Confidence in a nice way, not the "I know I am gorgeous and everyone else is ugly" kinda confidence, coz that is a major turn off. Not just to men.
Here is another example of what a typical girl should look like - hair perfectly done, nails painted, red lips, well dressed and heels. Now do not get me wrong, I know a girl cannot look like this all the time, but at least when you go somewhere with someone special, make an effort to look special.

Other turn offs, and I speak for myself here. Bad odors, no matter, male or female, man I wanna get sick when someone smells like an open grave. I think that is the most terrible turnoff for me.
When I look at a girl, first things I notice are her nails and hair. Long well kept hair to me is a bonus, and the same with nails. Nails with colored nail varnish on, and half the varnish is chipped off, YUK. Goo under the nails....bleeeh, terrible.
I have posted this pic before, but this is the perfect example of what a girl should NOT look like. If you zoom in on her one hand you will notice chipped nail varnish. If you zoom in on her feet, you will notice......uhm, don't rightly know what to call that, you call it what ever you like..... I just know, if I had to go somewhere with her, I'd politely ask her to walk some ten paces ahead of me, just so people don't think we are together.

Unshaven armpits and unshaven legs.... yuk! Another turn off.
You know, I think loads of people get divorced simply because people let go. The believe or attitude is, I am married now, I do not have to look after myself anymore, be that male or female. You got to keep looking great for your partner, no matter what. Your partner must be proud to go places with you. Make small changes, not so your partner would ask, "who the hell are you?" but something that will make your partner take a second look at you, or make your partner fall in love with you over and over again.
I hope that answers Dena's question, and I know I am going to get loads of flak from some readers, I am not going to mention any names, haha... but this is my opinion, take it or leave it. I am in the fortunate position that I married a girl that has all of these good qualities, so it is possible to be like this. And believe me, she will not go anywhere if she doesn't feel dressed properly, or if her hair isn't perfect. I reckon pride has a lot to do with it also.
To proof what I just said, this is what Yolande looks like on an average day. (not the best pic I know, but I took it and I am no account with a camera.)
Well, it is time for you girls to pick up the stones, let me know when to start ducking. Do I expect too much, and men in general, do we expect too much from the fairer sex? The floor is yours, you can start throwing.
Have a lovely day.
Colin, I completely agree with you! The only thing I disagree on is the nail polish. I do a lot of work with animals so if I did paint my fingernails often the polish would end up getting chipped so I do not wear any on my fingernails. Toenails always have polish though. Also, when I wear nail polish my nails don't look as healthy when I remove it so I tend not to wear it. Great post though. I could not stop reading. I think it is important to make an effort. Tell your wife she looks gorgeous in that photo. Love her heels. xo
Well, you always run the risk of sounding like a pompous ass when you start listing attributes that the opposite sex should have. But you, Colin, have managed to do just that, and still sound charming. Bravo!
Hi Colin! Love this post of yours. I'll keep your advise in mind. On the other hand, my Hubby doesn't like me wearing makeup and he prohibits me from showing my legs in public, argh! Anyhow, I still wear makeup (not over-the-top makeup) regardless if my husband doesn't it. I guess, Asian guys have a different perception on beauty.
Lots of love,
Yolande is such a beautiful lady! I wish I can be like her.
Hi colin! Great post as always, I do agree with u but sometimes it can be a bit difficult to always look 100. % perfect, but it doesn't hurt to try : ) hope u are having a lovely week so far and I loved the picture of ur wife, she's really stunning! Xx
Your wife is lovely. And her shoes are killer. Nice touch.
I have to say that I am not a fan of painting my nails simply because I know I do not keep them properly when they are painted. Instead, I go with a natural look and try to keep them at the same length. That works for me. I also date a man who doesn't notice nail polish, but he does notice my hair and dresses.
What a nice proposition Dena made. I know it's a 'dangerous' thing to talk about. Especially nowadays when there are so many women (and some men) who've tried to fight for equal rights and so on. And it's a good thing people have different tastes. What you just wrote is still your opinion and not a fact, which we all know. For me, I too like when women can be themselves and choose how they look like, as long as they keep it fresh and clean. As you said a bad smell is the biggest turn off. With that said, secretely I totally do agree with you. But that's because I am one of those girls myself I guess. I always varnish my nails, wear high heels until my feet bleed (not so good I know) love to make an effort. And even though I have been with the same guy for more than five years I still love to look my best for him...
I agree with you Colin!
Of course there is many work place where woman can't look like that but when she goes out,she can try to look her best.And your wife is gorgeous!
I love Audrina she always looks incredible!!! Your wife looks fantastic in that photo as well!
Your family is beautiful. Oh and I love the silver dress in the first picture!
i am very impressed of what u write colin.. and 100% agree with u..
nice blog!!
I say, your opinion is your opinion and it doesn't matter what someone else thinks. If that is what you like and you have found a mate who likes that too, power to you both.
I like to always look nice when I go out, but sometimes at home, I go pretty minimal. Some days, flats are just preferable to heels. But good grooming is NEVER wrong!!!
lovely post , cool celebs
I completely agree with you! Bad odors, chipped nail polish, unbrushed hair... I could never leave the house looking like that (especially if I were going to an event!!!) Yolande is absolutely beautiful, you are a lucky man :)
I completely agree with you! Bad odors, chipped nail polish, unbrushed hair... I could never leave the house looking like that (especially if I were going to an event!!!) Yolande is absolutely beautiful, you are a lucky man :)
Audrina looks amazing ! I wish I had legs like those !
I love this post! Every word!!! Soo enlightening to hear what a man has to say! Much needed!! I agree to what you think. Although I think nails are okay even if not varnished...but definitely shouldn't look unkempt. Aaah you make me want to get my long hair back...!!
I agree with you almost completely!! haha, I was laughing about how much attention you pay to painted nails- I had no idea that was that noticed by guys. My toes are always painted but I hate chipped nails so I rarely have my hands painted. :) About not letting it go for your spouse, I agree except I also feel like the people should want to keep up their appearance for their own good! I mean, I want to look good for my partner but of course, I want to look good for myself :)
You are right..!! Chipped nail polish and unshaved body....a big no-no! Nice blog...I'll be visiting again!
Hi Colin, here I am again as promised visiting you blog. You made me smile with your fashion post. Nope.. I sure wont cast the first stone. (lol) It is because I surrender to your fashion judgment.
Great post. I totally agree with you. Those are the same turn ons and turn offs I have. I think many people have them across the board.
Hello Colin!
I am always crazy about bodycon dress and the ones from the top are amazing!!
I also love your wife´s look and sandals, so sexy shoes!!!
lovely blog
Colin, you are a love and your blog is very fashion forward. But I must say, I could never keep up with the pretext of all the things listed here. Too much maintenance. Give me a girl with a little dirt under her fingers and I'll show you a girl who loves to garden. Body odor, I'll grant you, is a big no-no, but all the rest is just so ... so superficial. Glad you joined my community. I'll be looking forward to seeing more from you soon.
Great post ! Funny bc I never shave my legs (I have fine hair) and rarely comb my hair (naturally it is super straight) but my bf doesn't mind. He would actually prefer if I leave my hair longer so after much thought I'm growing it out.
I totally agree with you that many couples often forget to look good for each other. Bf & I forget sometimes bc we've been together for 5+ yrs but I still think it's important. (Whenever I wear my 5" platform sandals w/ bare legs he can't keep his hands off me.) BTW it's always nice to read about a man's opinion with women and beauty.
Where have you been this week? I keep checking back for new posts and nada. Come back soon!! Thanks for your heartfelt comments.
Your wife is lovely and has left you with high standards. ;)
I like to look nice for my guy, but I'm not a red lipstick and fingernail polish kind of girl. Just a little lip gloss and clean nails please, but it was interesting to hear your thoughts.
I have to admit, I began reading with a little hesitation (sorry for judging). But you really have a great blog, and a very beautiful wife. I love that she's got your child on her hip...many of us moms forget that we can be moms and be sexy!
I was hesitant because I thought you were going to objectify women. Just goes to show you should never judge a blog by its header! I really respect what you said about women letting themsevles go because they are married, they are moms, etc. Too many women fall into this trap (especially when we have young ones). And that is why I liked your wife's photo...It is a call to all mom's, "Look, I can have a baby on my hip and some heels on my feet!"
I was hesitant because I thought you were going to objectify women. Just goes to show you should never judge a blog by its header! I really respect what you said about women letting themsevles go because they are married, they are moms, etc. Too many women fall into this trap (especially when we have young ones). And that is why I liked your wife's photo...It is a call to all mom's, "Look, I can have a baby on my hip and some heels on my feet!"
Tell your wife she looks gorgeous in that photo. Love her heels.
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Hi Colin, I loved this post. While I am unable to have long hair (for the moment anyway) I try to keep the pixie feminine. And while I think I'd most likely kill myself and baby (none of those left thank goodness) were I to try and where those stiletto's, your wife is rocking. I do have some for "out on the town" so maybe I'll practice around the house. It's nice to read a man's perspective that is well put. I agree with you! Terrific site btw!
oops! I meant wear those stilettos! spellcheck!
Very nice photos! And your dress is so cute!
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