AnnaLynne McCord is one beautiful celebrity who in my opinion always does her best to look great. Now surely you will agree with me that had she gone without the ear rings and bracelets, her appearance would have been a mite pale. I have to add in the same breath, without contradicting myself, that the dress is not your ordinary dress, so maybe she would still have looked great. Fact remains, she looks just so much more colorful with mentioned pieces of jewelry. I am however of the opinion that a nice necklace and a thin belt would have added that little extra finishing touch and style.

Hats? I have to admit, I do not like just any hat, but the hat my wife Yolande is wearing in this pic looks great, and she looks great wearing it. This outfit was for a special country and western dance. I love the cowgirl look!
I rather fancy a nice necklace, whether chunky and rough, or dainty and feminine. By the way, I stumbled across this web site where the nicest jewelry can be found. If you are in the market for some beautiful jewelry, please take a look at My Jewelry Box. I am sure you will find something there you fancy. They really stock the most beautiful pieces of jewelry. Will get back to that in a moment.
Anna Faris drawing attention to her....eeehm..... assets by wearing a very dainty necklace. I think it serves to emphasize her femininity. What do you think? (click on the image to zoom!) Not that she needs any help in that department.

Talking of which, My Jewelry Box also has the nicest gold necklaces like the one featured in this picture. This particular necklace, one of several available on their site, is 14 K gold and 20 inches long. I think the pattern in the chain is really something else.

Now you just imagine that necklace around your neck, just feel the satiny cool gold caressing your skin....
A perfect example of a girl looking stunning with accessories, is Heidi Klum. Love the ear rings, and the bracelets add a lovely finishing touch.
I think it needs mentioning that those high heeled peep toes are a bonus, they really shape her legs. I do apologize, I just never miss a sexy leg... :) And I just love a long dress with a slip like this one.

Here is another example of a beautiful gold necklace, this is a 18 inch, 14K yellow gold rope chain. A girl can brighten up any outfit by wearing this baby around her neck.

Here is a 'test your knowledge' picture, who is this lovely girl? I am absolutely nuts about her curly hair. A few hints, her hair is not normally that curly, and she has featured on my blog before. Oh, and she has a stunning sister whom she is seen with a lot. I have to honestly say I would not have been able to ID her on just that, but I have some very clever and knowledgeable readers.

I guess that is it folks, my wish for you is a lovely week and an accessories filled day. Take care!