The mystery legs? Well not even Stiletto lover of Hottestheels could get this one, and believe me she knows her legs, because this is the first time I caught her without a clue. However, I have to admit this one was very tough.
This is the girl who those legs belong to. Now as I've said, to me she is not stunningly beautiful, (Sorry Fergie, but that is just my opinion) but she always dresses fashionably and very sexy. She really does have well shaped, sexy legs, and always wear the high heels to emphasize her calves . I have yet to see her in flats....

I think it is only fair to say this, and to me it is merely a matter of personal taste, her hair in this picture actually changes her appearance completely. Don't you agree with me. I know I should not compare, I won't tell if you don't, she looks almost like Sandra Bullock in this particular photograph. And all it is, is the change in hair style. Pity she doesn't wear it like this more often. She really does look stunning with her hair like that.

Next up, I would like to thank a very special lady for a very nice and thoughtful gesture. The lovely Amber of Fashion Bargain Shopper Extraordinaire referred to me and my blog and if you want to read what she said, clic here.
I fully agree with her. We definitely speak the same language, confidence = sex appeal.
Thank you ever so much Amber, you have been very sweet, and I am honored to be featured on your site. Now if you guys need to buy a bargain, I can recommend you visit her often, she has loads of bargains lined up on her site.
One more picture of Fergie flaunting her sexy legs, wearing a beautiful, figure hugging, silver dress and a pair a very sexy high heeled sandals.

I guess that is all for today, let us know what you think of Fergie's legs, good, excellent or average.
Have a lovely day.
Fergie looks always sexy.The first outfit is gorgeous.
Have a fabulous day Colin!
Hello Colin! Yes! After my long absence of blog hopping, I am trying to get back on track slowly. I have been quite busy and stressed but everything seems to be doing better now. Whew!
Anyhoo, regarding Fergie, you are right. She's not stunningly beautiful but she is beautiful. I like how she brings herself. Her clothes, shoes, make up and her smile creates a really pretty photo.
Have a great day! Hugs!
I love her! And she is super talented too! Yes I agree that she looks very nice in a side parted hair.
I love her!!! She always looks so HOT!
Fergie does have great legs, and if you've seen any her music videos, she needs great legs to be able to get away with the micro shorts and skirts that she wears. She's also an amazingly talented singer who can belt it out like very can even though sometimes her song choice is not that great.
Her love of high heels has made her start her own line of stilettos. The slogan is "When people ask me how I walk in these shoes I say...with confidence." I think that awesome slogan makes me like her even more.
Hi!! I love Fregie´s style!!
kISSES from México!
Thanks for the shoutout!!
I knew it was Fergie!!! But you were unsure if she sang, so I didn't think it was her.
Anyway, I find beauty in ALL women, but can I just say, it's a good thing she has nice legs...
Colin, I love Fergie, she has such great attitude and looks so confident. Great body, must be the dancing.
thanks for a great post, you always pick the best women.
Dena x
Fergie, to me, always looks a bit harsh. I think it's the combo of her eyebrows and the center part in her hair. She does look completely different with her hair parted on the side. Never noticed how gorgeous her legs are!
She's hot!
I love this blog!
Come visit mine and if you like it, follow me ;)
I follow you here and on twitter!
Fergie definitely has some great legs!!
Hope you're doing well, Colin.
Have a great weekend!
Fergie is my idol! I think she is the epitome of sexiness...sigh...ok, must leave now to battle inferiority complex :)
Great post as always!
She looks great... but i dont understand why she is wearing those tiny gloves that barely cover her hands in the second picture.
She has stunning legs!! Thank you for your awesome comment btw, it was so nice and sunny in Cape Town this wknd...hope you are well xxx
Hey there. She looks fantastic. Thanks for your comment on my last blog post. It was great hearing from you. I hope all is well with you. I'm looking for a new job, plus I'm thinking about going back to college. Take care. Have a wonderful week ahead!
i'm a big fan of hers!
Blending Style, Beauty and Fashion
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Fergie most definitely has her own sexual appeal and a unique sound. I have always been a fan of her music and sound~
Nice pick Collin~
uggh... fergie has beautiful legs and sex apeal.. she's great..
So yes Fergie isn't the most beautiful woman out there, BUT she is darn sexy! I would do anything for her bod, and I'm sure she works out hard for that figure. Well deserved!
Ek is mal oor Fergie en die BEP's. She is not drop-dead, but she is very very sexy!
My girls like the Black Eyed Peas. I think she is stark looking and not what I would consider gorgeous but she does take good care of herself. I myself am not everyone's cup of tea, either. I wear longer skirts, but I don't own a pair of flip flops or flats. I LOVE heels and even wear my favorites to church. I had someone call me on that in my last town, but I just couldn't be dowdy like her. I look like church but with better shoes. People in my town here may think the same thing but no one has made it known to me. We have Black Tie affairs with the Military, but they don't have many of those a year. Why buy shoes if you don't wear them???
My sweet friend Colin!
Great legs and great looks! The second one is fantastic!
Great post as usual!
I wish you a great time with your lovely ones this weekend!
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I like how she brings herself. Her clothes, shoes, make up and her smile creates a really pretty photo.
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They are both gorgeous! :)
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