Does this photograph mean anything to you? Do you know who it is in this photograph?

And this one, granted, by looking at the tattoos you can see it is Megan, but if there were no tattoos??

Ok, now you should have an idea what my problem is - why do people take pictures, or publish, or post pictures of only half a person? Isn't it frustrating? I used pics with cropped heads to demonstrate what I mean. My problem is pics of girls with their legs and/or feet cut off!! Why not publish the whole damn picture while you are at it? Does it take more effort, more time, more megs, or more paper? Hell, I am sure if you can publish half a pic, you might as well publish the whole pic...!!
Doesn't this look better, the person was born with legs, and with feet, and with a head for that matter, so show us everything, we want to see it, well I do, don't know about you?! In posting this pic, I did not spend one moment more than with the cropped ones.

Well, now you know how I feel about cropped photographs, and I feel a whole lot better after blowing off steam. But I would love to hear your opinion on this subject. Don't be shy now...
Hi Colin,
How are U?
I totally love the first combo. White with gold is great choice for the Summer. :-)
Hey Janet, I am great thanks, yes the colors are great.
Thanks for your comment, love your input.
I agree with you! I hate when my friends cut off their shoes in their pics on facebook, idk why they do it but they do. It's pretty annoying actually!
You're wrong of course.
Well, I feel better now. ;)
I emphatically agree Fairy.
Stilletto lover, hey thanks for commenting. Beats me why they do it, but you are right, it is extremely annoying.
Stilletto lover, hey thanks for commenting. Beats me why they do it, but you are right, it is extremely annoying.
lol @ shoe fairy, well I honestly didnt expect you to agree with me, you are one of those I am ranting about..... ;-0 But I like you anyway!
thanks for taking some of your precious time to visit my humble blog... and commenting, always value your input.... but not this time. hehehe...
Marie, well I didnt expect anything else from you either, you are another one of those I rant about, and I also expected you to gang up with shoe fairy against me. :-) But, this time I will not let it get to me, I know you only tooo well by now.
Thanks for your comment anyway, love it when you disagree with me!
If you want people to continue visiting your site you probably should not point out how much they annoy you. But I guess I should be flattered. That's twice now you have eluded to me in a post.
Oh Marie, but I want you to visit my site, what will my site be without you to point out my short falls and mistakes...and to disagree with me ;-) and yes, you should be flattered, one only talk about someone if that someone is important, and seeing that you are one of my regular commentators and critics, you are extremely important to me!
I agree with you! I'm not real big on looking at cropped photos. I would love to be able to see the whole photo and see a person's entire look. Plus, if the person has great legs and shoes, show them off!
Little Red, my sentiments exactly... especially if you like a nice pair of legs, like me. Now some people hide the 2nd most important part of the picture...
Thanks for your input, love it when you visit.
Lol. Well i do enjoy being important ;)
Marie, well around here I will always roll out the red carpet for you... ;-) and you will always be welcome! With you around I must always watch what I say.... hehe...or do.
Erm... maybe it`s not the news, but as I was told the cutted legs are not the photographers`s mistake, it`s the mistake of a publisher.
Photographer usually take several plans of the same person to ensure completeness of image.
Hi Dana, I was referring to the publisher, that is in my opinion where the problem lies. But, I guess my complaining is not ever gonna reach their ears, so what is the use..
Thanks for commenting, have a wonderful day.
HOLA gracias por pasar por mi BLOG , allitienes el traductir , si quieres lleerlo , te espero hay cosillas qie podrian interesarte . Tu blg me gusta me place , porque soy una atrevida de la elegancia ,,, que te encuentre bien , hasta mi proxima visita ...
Simphon, hi, thanks for leaving your comment, unfortunately I do not understand only one or two words, I cannot follow your opinion. But thanks anyway, I appreciate all visits and comments.
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