To me Marilyn will always remain the sex bomb of years ago, and a real classic.
Unfortunately good quality pics of her are very hard to find, but here is one pic she is famous for, looking sexy in a short dress and a pair of high heels.
Marilyn on the beach, looking sexy.

It is rumoured also that Marilyn went no where without wearing high heels, she was famous for her heels and a sexy sway of her hips and her dress blowing up, no idea how they managed to always get the wind to do that.
Whatever the case might be, I am sure you will agree with me, she was a beautiful lady.

This is one pic of her I thought is brilliant, long sexy legs, short dress, high strappy sandals.

The pic she is famous for, dress blown up in the wind....

A last great looking photograph of her, dress blown up, revealing long sexy legs and high heeled pumps.

Well, what do you think, how does she compare with today's girls? I know Keith of Sugar and Spice will enjoy my post, he likes the classic girls of the past.
Have a wonderful weekend folks!
For me Marilyn is always number one,there is nobody like her!
I love these pictures but if you see her movies you will understand why she was so special.
Great post Colin!
Great post as usual Colin and one great lady to. Diana Dors was the ''British'' Marilyn of her time and in her younger years taking a look at her pics i see why,i think in some respects its hard to compare marilyn with the women of today as she was an icon of her age both in the movies and her beauty and lets face it if you passed her on a side walk in the white dress she's famous for she would have still turned heads even today... fab post!!!
Hey Colin. You are definitely right. I love this post. There is no comparison between Marilyn and the girls of today. She runs rings around them. Hundreds of years from now people will still be talking about Marilyn, while the "It" girls of today will be long forgotten.
Nuheila, thanks for dropping by, glad you like her, she is very special. Thanks for the compliment.
Aj, so true what you say, the will turn heads and stop traffic, that is for sure. Even today she is still popular, so I can imagine she must have caused a lot a accidents in her days.
Thanks for leaving a thought with us.
Hi Keith, I just knew you will enjoy her, she is your type of girl. I of course agree with you, she will alwasy be popular, even in our kid's time.
Thanks for dropping by!
Ohh, pretty Pics!
Marylin is great, I Looove her! =D
Pretty blog!
see ya! o/
Why did you put up pics of girls who weren't Marilyn? That was slightly saddening to me....
The actually pics of her were great though.
Lovely post, Colin! Definitely a gorgeous woman!
ALly, welcome to my blog, glad you enjoyed it. She was a great lady.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Hope to see you again soon.
Marie, now I would be interested to know which ones are not her. The pics I downloaded all indicated that it is Marilyn. However, thanks for helping out, and I do apologize for the disappointment.
Little Red, thanks for commenting, glad you enjoyed the post and the pics.
Oh ...very nice Collin.
I would say that Marilyn Monroe has probably won more hearts and souls than any other actress out there.
I am sure Keith is in a long line in regards to women of her sex appeal and almost innocence at times :)
Well done :)
Special post for a special woman! Enjoyed the post very much!
The last and the 2nd to last are not Marilyn! Shame on the internet for lying to you!
Dorothy, you are right, she used to be everyone's honey, and even today she still had countless fans out there, even if they are getting on in years already.
Thanks for your kind words, always appreciate your input and I really value your opinion.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Sujata, welcome and thanks for the comment. Yes she was special, a pity her death was so untimely.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope to see you again soon.
Marie, you may be right and you may not, I am cannot say for certain, but if you are right, I do apologize.
Thanks for informing us.
I will sue google for misleading me.... :-)
There is no might... The dresses are all differnt, as well as the shoes, and the hair. Not to mention the FACES are all differnt -.-
Do not question, I am right about this one.
i just watched a documentary about her death this week, strangely enough. as a fan of classic beauty, you know I'm a huge fan of her, tough I prefer Jayne Mansfield (probably because she's a little more...shall we Such a shame the wya her lifewnet down, aut at least there are a few of her movies to immortalize her.
'62? My parnets were still in junior high back
Great post, btw, my friend
I can't believe Marie is the only person to notice that two of the pictures are NOT of Marilyn. Those are pictures of Marilyn Monroe halloween costumes:
Otherwise, nice job and thank you, sexylegsandbody
she's beautiful , i have to agree ! but i don't really know her , because i wasn't born yet , like you said :) but i watched her film once and she looked so gorgeous there !
Marie, ok, you win, they arent Marilyn, you are now not the only person who says that.
Thanks for telling us, really appreciate your input.
Mystery Man, thanks for the input, always great to get your opinion. I however know very little about Jayne Mansfield, but Marilyn, as you say, her movies will serve to immortalize her. Thanks for the compliment also.
Dave, well maybe the other people were just being kind to but thanks anyway, seems to me those arent her. My mistake for not seeing the mistake.
Thanks for commenting and for stopping by.
Becky, dont feel bad because you were not born yet, it counts in your favor. However I am glad you enjoy her.
Thanks for dropping by and for commenting.
i'm ever heard of her, but not much I know about her. but she's very beautyfull.
I saw no reason to spank you for putting up pictures that aren't Marilyn when Marie is doing such an entertaining job of it. ;)
Thank you Fairy,
But you know I love it when we double team ;)
Thanks Fairy, with friends like you, who needs enemies. :-(
However, I'm so happy to see you visit for a change, even if it is only to enjoy me getting "spanked" by Marie, as you put it.
Thanks for dropping in, hope to see more of your witty comments. :-) They seem to,for some reason, motivate me....
Marie, you dont need to gang up on me you know, any one of you are capable of "beating me up..." as I am a gentleman and will not allow myself to be drawn into any kind of argument with a lady, not even about Marilyn Monroe! :=)) And I know for a fact that both of you are ladies...!
Oh, Colin what a great post!!! I love Marilyn. She is just one of those women that nobody could take there eyes off of. And I love that she was curvy too. What a great body. She is not like all those stick-figured girls of today. She was perfect. :)
Stephanie, hi, glad you enjoyed her, I agree with you, she did have all the curves in all the right places. Pity about her untimely death.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, very sweet of you.
Marylin Forever
Antes Fashion, hi, welcome to my blog, thanks for commenting. HOpe to see you again soon.
I love Marilyn!! great post, she and audrey hepburn are my favourite classic actresses.
Hey, I've realised that you don't have any spanish girl in your blog, so I would like to recommend you to look for one, I'm sure you will fall in love with her.
Her name is Patricia Conde, she's funny, intelligent, talented and incredibly pretty, georgeous, she reminds me of Brigitte Bardot. And have amazing legs!! You can look for her in, or . I hope you like her! If you do I could recommend you some other spanish beauties.
Thanks for the post!!
Hi Sevigny, thanks for dropping by. I have visited the sites you recommended, thanks, they are lovely.
Great hearing from you!
Thanks for leaving your thoughts with us.
Hi Iamtheangelnegro, thanks for dropping in and thanks for commenting.
J'adore her!
Hope U had a great weekend!
Hi Janet, yes, she is great!
My weekend was great, thanks for visiting.
I prefer Marylin's curvy body than today's skinny girls, it's really much more sexy and healthy!
Atelier, her curves were natural too, not inplants or botox... I agree with you, the models of today are just skin and bone..
Thanks for dropping in and leaving your thoughts with us.
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