In this post, I want to hand out the “Better than ice cream” award to the 3 blogs that for whatever reasons has caught my attention lately. Someone who’s blog is inspiring me, someone who has done an exceptional job with their blog or just made me think differently about something…The whole point of the “Better than ice cream” award is for the bloggers who receive it to then pay it forward to the 3 bloggers who have had that same impact on them. It can even be to the blogger giving it to you, as long as you also give to 2 other bloggers to keep it moving forward!
If you receive this award more than once, just headline it the number of times.
(The italic text is to be included in the blog post when passing this on so it keeps moving.)

So I have to pass this award on to three blog authors.
I have given this some careful thought, I love my ice cream, so for a blog to be better than ice cream, it has to be a pretty damn great blog, or terrible ice cream. However, here are a few I can think of.
So the first blog I would love to pass it on to, is a lovely Finnish lady, who in my opinion has loads of potential. Her blog is colorful and filled with great photographs of her in various outfits and who is a honey to deal with. She is the lovely Nuheila of Nuheila blogspot
Please visit and support her!
The second blog I would love to pass this award on to is the lovely Stephanie of Chic Femme blog. Her blog contains loads of info of what is going on in the lives of celebrities and fashion, loads of photographs, making it a very colorful site to visit. By the way, I "stole" the idea for my last post from her blog, thanks Stephanie. So please be generous, and visit her!
The last blog I would love to pass the award on to, is a well established blog, the blog author is a pretty young lady from Brazil. When you pay her a visit you will find a very friendly, stylish and warm person, someone, who I get the idea, really blogs from the bottom of her heart.
She is Kira of the Kira Fashion site. Please visit Kira, you will make a loyal friend for life!
I would like to thank you again Little Red for thinking of me when you passed on this award, I am honored!
Have a great weekend!
Congrats on another award!!! You totally deserve it!
thanks Stilettolover, I appreciate your compliment.
Congrats on award!!!I m enjoying to read your blog,so i think you really deserve that.And thank you so much for giving me award,i m really honored!!!
olá! curte acessórios de cabelo? visite minha blogstore! besos
Nuheila, thanks and you are welcome, you deserve it! I am glad you enjoy reading my blog.
Thanks for visiting.
Danielle, thanks for visiting. Unfortunately I do not understand what you are saying, however, thanks for commenting. Hope to see you again soon.
Congrats on your award!!!
Your blog is lovely fabulous!!!
congrats from me, too
nice blog.
thank you for your comment....
have really a beautiful wife
Congrats on the award, Colin. And I am so excited that you love my blog. It really means a lot to me that people are enjoying what tidbits of entertainment news I put out there. :) BTW, it was really cool for you to do a blog on celebs without makeup too. :)
Hey Colin. Thanks so much for honoring my sister Stephanie with such an award. That's awesome. I'm really happy. I've been so proud of her work on her blog so far. I'm having a fun time checking it out each day. I'm thrilled that others are enjoying it as well. Take care. Hope you've had an awesome weekend so far. Cheers!
Hanh, that comment coming from you really is a huge compliment! Thanks for that and thank for visiting!
Nic, hi, thanks for visiting back, and thank you very much for complimenting my wife, she will be in the clouds hearing that.
Thanks again, and hope to see you again soon.
Stephanie, you are most welcome, I really think you deserve to be out there where people can see you. I hope you get loads of visitors. Thanks also for visiting and thanks for commenting.
Keith hi, I think your sister is doing a great job, and I think she deserves to be noticed. It is only a pleasure to help someone who really appreciates it as she does.
Thanks for visiting and leaving your thougths with us.
Hello and congrats! :)
Hi Syd, welcome back, and thanks for passing by.
Congratulations Colin! i cant think of a blog more deserving ;)
hey collin,
if i´ll find a photograph, than I´ll post it with my boots.
and of course I´d love to make a link on my side, but I don´t know how to do that :-(
I´tried that before, but it doesn´t work...
AJ, thanks you are so kind. I'd definitely take that as a compliment.
Thanks for dropping by.
Nic, thanks for being willing to link, I will help you setting up one. Will comment on your site.
Congrats on ur award! So nice to know ur from SA!! Only someone from SA can understand our weird weather : ) Hope u have a lovely Sunday and chat soon! xxx
Hey, Colin. I just added your link to my page. My link address is
Thanks for adding me. :) Cheers.
oh thx,that you´ll help me, but my english isn´t the best. and so that´s the main problem why I can´t do that.
maybe a friend will come and help me to find the way to link me
Janet, thanks, and thanks for visiting and commenting.
FashionJazz, thanks for dropping by, yes our weather is absolutely upside down.
Hope to see you visiting again soon.
Stephanie,thanks for adding me, have added you too.
Nic, no problem!
congrats for the award ! oh and i love kira ! she's just so stylish and friendly :)
So that means your blog is better than yummy!
Congrats on the award!
Congratulations on the award, Colin.
Hope you're having a nice time.
My dear friend Colin!
It is a great honor!
You are so sweet to me and I Thank you so much for that!!!!
I love your great taste for fashion and I feel so lucky to have your friendship!
Thanks so much for being who you are!
Many kisses and hugs!
From the friend,
Becky, thanks, I agree with you on Kira, she is a stylish and classy young lady.
Thanks for visiting and for leaving your thoughts with us.
Hi Olga, thanks, it would seem it is, although I wouldnt have thought so.
Thanks for your kind thoughts, and thanks for dropping by!
Seeker, thanks for visiting, I am doing great thanks! Great to see you commenting.
Kira hi, you are most welcome, and I meant every word I said! I am in turn honored to be your friend, you are such a lovely person.
Thanks for visiting, your opinion means a lot to me!!
Hi Colin. Just wanted to say congrats on the blog award. You deserve it.
All the best,
Carrie, thanks for the kind words, thanks also for visiting and for leaving a message.
Always appreciate your input. :-)
You totally deserve this. Congrats :)
You're very welcome, Colin! You definitely deserve it!
Bunny, thanks for the kind words, thanks also for leaving your thoughts with us.
Little Red, thanks for visiting, and thanks for the kind words. I do appreciate it tremendously.
Congrads for your award dnd thanks for your lovely comments! We love having you around Peeptoes!
Peeptoes, thanks and thanks for the kind words, I enjoy visiting your site.It sure is nice to know I am welcome!
Congrats on your award! I am new to your blog (found it through the BlogFrog network) but just love reading about how models transform from everyday women to super-beautiful. Its a fascinating process.
So nice to discover your blog!
Hello Holly, welcome to my blog, I am glad you discovered it and I am glad you enjoyed my post about celebs. I hope to see you around again soon, you are always welcome!
Congrats on the award. I think that my favorite part is finding out about some cool new sites to check out.
Hi Tina T, thanks, and thanks for visiting.
good grief man! another one? ;)
Congrats on the award,I hope you always success
oh why of course i will be pleased to exchange links with you ! i've linked you :) can't wait to see your new post colin !
congrats on the award!!! you deserve it!!
big kissess
Marie, what can I say...? another one it is!
Thanks for dropping by!
Jhonson, thanks for the kind words and wishes. I do appreciate it. :-)
Becky, thanks for linking, will link you asap. Thanks for stopping by! I am working on an idea for my next post.
Missy, thanks for dropping by, thanks for the kind words.
Congratulations! :)
hi colin! hope you're well! congratulations on the award! =) hope you have a wonderful weekend! xxx
C C, thanks and thanks for the thought.
Joelyne, thanks for visiting and thanks for the kind wishes. Hope you enjoy your weekend too.
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