Thanks to all my readers for the really wonderful comments I got on my last post. My wife read most of them, and even if she doesn't mention it, I am sure she feels a mite less intimidated by the sharp end of a camera. So thanks to every one who left comments, and those who haven't yet, please visit my previous post and feel free to comment.
I have been tagged by a lovely lady, Tayebug of
Living Happy & Healthy 365 blog.Now when I opened her blog this morning my eye caught a post on a subject that I have posted about in the past. Please spare a moment and read this post titled
8 Reasons to start loving your body today. I think more girls should follow her advice on confidence and being sexy. So true. But do not stop at this post, she has a blog with many interesting angles and corners, from food to fashion. So please, read them all!
Now my challenge is the following, I have to answer the following questions:
1. You have three wishes, what would they be?
Dangerous one, I don't only have three wishes, I have like 300, but my first wish is to always be able to help myself to and from the loo until I die. No diapers or bed pans....
No, make that the second wish, my first wish, and this in in the Lord's Hands not mine, to not loose one of my kids to death or serious trauma before I die.
Third one, to have the wisdom and knowledge to always give more than I receive.
2. What cosmetic piece of work would you have done (or have had done)?None so far, and I seriously don't think any cosmetic piece of work (unless it is a miracle) is gonna make a difference to my ugly old frame...haha.... and no, I used to be a beautiful little boy, (that is what everybody says ok!) only I didn't stay that way... :-) hard work and bumpy roads, that is what got me to where I am today... But, take note, I am reasonably healthy, and I feel good for my age, so I am grateful for what I have.
3. What is your must have fashion item?
I don't have a must have fashion item, my wife has enough for the both of us. :)
I forgot, I have a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses with prescription lenses, without them I cannot drive, but that is not by choice, I might add.
4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?Any exotic island, with dive spots with up to 50 meter viz... so I can scuba dive and enjoy dolphins up close, and have cocktails with my lovely wife on a deck overlooking the clear water, colorful reefs, and dolphins playing in the surf. Yeah, dream on....
5. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?Hehe, if I tell you I'd have to kill you.... but second craziest thing, I stole my father's motorbike when I was only 12 years old and raced up and down the street with it. Maybe that was the stupidest thing, but is there a difference?
6. Who is your favorite musical artist at the moment?Shania Twain and Celine Dion share first place on my list.
7. What was the last movie you watched?
In a cinema, She is out of my league, and I have to add, it is not the kind of movie I normally watch, but I really enjoyed it tremendously. (Maybe because it kinda reminds me a little of myself, please take note, I said a little, difference being, I am not a nerd.... lol,)
Last night we watched Mr Bean on dvd, a great laugh.
8. Passion or Quiet Happiness?I like a low profile, so I guess quiet happiness. On second thoughts, if with my wife, I might change my mind... :) who will not?
I reckon that is it, now I am kinda lazy and it has taken me two days to get this post done, so I am going to tag only two other people, if I may bend the rules some, so I thought it wise to tag Dena of
Pretty Little Things, and Heidi of
Farm Girl.
Let's keep the questions the same, I guess they are very interesting, would love to hear what they have to say.
Tayebug for tagging me, I am honored, and I do apologize for taking that long to post, but I have been pretty busy and Jesse had his tonsils removed on Friday, so life has been pretty hectic. Back to normal now.
I have been sent this video, and seeing that it is really damn funny, I want to share it with you. I would however advise, do not, and I repeat, do not try this at home. I know my wife would kill me slowly if I ever tried this with her.
I reckon that is it, enjoy the rest of your weekend, and take care.