Popular searches from feedjit still show "sexy legs" and then most also add "stockings." Now what is it about stockings that makes a leg look extra sexy? I honestly cannot tell you. Or should I say I cannot put my finger on it. Maybe some of my readers can shed some light on the subject.
The girl in this pic, and this is purely a matter of taste, has pretty average legs, yet I think the stockings make them look sexy. Am I right? I love the back seam, always adds sex appeal.

The legs in this pic are not particularly well shaped, yet they are sexy. Is it because they are clad in stockings? Or is it the heels making them appear sexy?

Stockings or bare, to me it honestly doesn't matter, from a man's point of view that is. The lady in this picture, to me, has extremely sexy legs, and I am sure you will agree with me. And they have seen some spinning classes. I am sure Nuheila of Nuheila blogspot will agree with me. (no those are not Nuheila's legs, but you should visit her blog)

This young lady looks especially sexy and extremely beautiful. Again, is it the stockings, and if not, what is it? I think even without the stockings she has quite well shaped legs. Obviously the high heeled sandals do their part. I love the red, white and black contrast.

Now you tell me that Rachel McAdams does not look sexy in bare legs in her C L Pigalles. Love this pic of her, very sexy yet very elegant.

Now if you ask me, it is a matter of opinion, and also a matter of the mood you are in. I have no particular preference, bare or stockings, both are sexy, of course I think that heels make a huge difference. Heels just has a way of shaping an average leg into a sexy leg. They also have a way of turning a kinda casual outfit into a more formal outfit.
What do you folks think. Remember, if you disagree with me, you have to proof me wrong by sending in a pic as evidence, which I will post and we can get the opinion of all the other readers.
Have a lovely day.
Oooh, the first woman reminds me of your wife. ;-)
I'd kill to have legs like the third pic:) ahhhhh....man....now i need to go work out:)
I think it often depends on the woman. Some women have sexy legs bare or in stockings. Some the stockings help accentuate what Mother Nature gave them. I love women with or without stockings.
I think eveyone has a different idea what is a good leg. I like a womans leg to be a bit fuller. I think the first pic is a good pair of legs and in my opinion the third pair are awful. I would love to know who chooses the models for tights and stockings as i have never seen an advert from the makers using anything near to what i would call a decent pair of legs.
I tend to find taller women have the worst legs, they seem to loose the shape i like as they get taller , but hey its all down to what you prefer in the end. Great site by the way.
I think it is a combo of the woman and heels. The way she puts herself together makes a huge difference.
Sexy post as always!!! Love all the amazing legs!
I am a fish net and seam girl myself....not very fond of bare legs when I dress up, especially in heels...not quite the same when I wear flats , then I go bare legged. I just love how my legs look in them as does my husband!
Man I wish I had a butt like the first lady! Damn!!
I finally have my "grab" button up would still love to take you up on the offer to add it to your blog!
You rock Sexy Legs!
rachel mc adams looks so sexy in that pic.. usually i see her like a cute little girl!
love her!
Thank you Colin so much!!!
In my opinion lady with the heels is always fabulous and every woman can have great legs doing some workout at the gym :D
Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your lovely family!
Sexy stockings and hosiery do so much to make a woman's legs and feet look awesome and most women's legs can use at least some help. If they need a bit of a tan or to cover some blemishes or spider veins or whatever stockings often do the trick. Couple them with a pair of 5 inch heels and voila, it is a complete picture, sexy as well. I don't think I have a fetish but how do I know for sure?
I agree... Legs in heels looks so much better, and more sexy! Stockings can be good too, but I prefer bare legs! x x
I'm in agreement with everyone: heels are sexy, and even the shortest legs will look sensational with the right shoe!
i prefer bare legs too!
Blending Style, Beauty and Fashion
Thanks of visiting in my blog! I watch your old fotos and your wife looks fabulous!
Amen for heels. Been trying to preach this to my sisters forever!
♥ V
Gorgeous post!
Yay for sexy legs!
I totally agree with you Colin, for me High Heels are by far more important than stockings when it comes to sublimate the Feminine Allure, shape the prestance, AND MUST say that Rachel Mc Adams is utterly Sexy in this outfit !!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
I think some women have legs to pull anything off with bare legs.
Some, like me, look much better with some stocks, that shapes the legs.
Hope you're having a fantastic and blessed weekend, my friend Colin.
I would rather see the bare legs, without stockings. :)
Rachel looks stunning.. She's always elegant!
I actually prefer bare legs over those clad in stockings. There is something so ethereal and carefree about bare legs!! :)
Thanks so much for visiting my blog Colin, I am glad you like it!
I am team heels. All the way.
Love both actually! Hope you are well and had a good weekend, its nice to be back, I missed everyone soo much! xx
i feel like any tights with the seam going down the back can make anyone sexy. they are very secretary gone bad haha
I love both stockings and bare legs. Personally, I choose bare legs more often for myself, but I won't pass up a great pair of stockings!
I'm loving Rachel McAdams here. She looks gorgeous and she's got great legs!
I prefer to see the sexy legs
Hi Collin!
Thanks for following my blog!... I have to say this blog has such a hilarious concept behind it! Who knew you could base a whole blog around legs? :P
The chick with the black hair has the best legs by far! They're ridiculously curvy for how skinny they are! Love it.
Woa...very sexy legs Collin....I am going with the legs third up from the bottom...long and lanky yet shapely and taunt ~
stockings are so sexy my dear friend Colin! I love it so much!!!!
All those 3 items are the best thing a woman could have!
Hey Colin!
It has been a while since I commented here.
As always, the pics are very stunning as usual.
Oh, and I completely agree about Rachel McAdams!
Beautiful and sexy pics. I especaily like the one of the short little dress with the just a hint of the lace top of the stocking showing. I love that look
Sexy heels, dresses, swimsuits and lingerie
Beautiful look with sexy legs
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i like the way to structured your blog and the discussion as well
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