Here she is, same girl, same outfit, different view, AnnaLynne McCord. I am sure you will all agree with me, she looks stunning, I so love her hair in this pic. Not to mention her legs....

If ever there was a girl that has gone from zero to full speed in no time at all, it is Katy Perry. She has a fabulous voice and I think, and this is purely my opinion, but she might have some acting talents also. She has definitely impressed me as a celeb. She has gone from a rather conservative, shy and modest dresser in flats and tights seen here....

To here...
(not sure if I bad been her dad I would have approved of her choice in men, but I am not, so I can leave the shotgun in the closet.)

And here, wearing revealing outfits and high heels.... oozing confidence and style. Quite revealing, yet classy.

Another young lady, ok, not so young anymore, but vibrantly confident, flaunting sexy legs and heaps of sex appeal, Kim Cattrall, well known for her role in Sex and the city.

Keri Russel has not been a regular visitor on my site, which is a shame coz she is actually a really beautiful girl, looking especially lovely in this pic. Obviously you will agree with me, the short(ish) dress and high stiletto heels serve to accentuate her well shaped legs.

And for the older folks, a golder oldie with a super sexy body, Raqual Welsh. A firm body sporting a pair of boobies and legs that would start some/most guys drooling. Ok, maybe not anymore, coz she must be in her 70's now already.

I guess that is enough work for a Saturday, let me know what you think of my selection.
Have a lovely weekend.
All of them look so stylish and sexy,however Raquel is my favorite.She had stunning body!
Hope you have a great weekend Colin!
I love katy!!
P.S: I posted pics of my new pumps on Thursday, go check them out!!
Great post!
love first look <3
Oooh, I adore Kim Catrall!
I'm very picky when it comes to what "sexy" is should look like, but your selections are pretty good. I'm a fan of shapely legs, so heels are important for showing that off.
I definitely love Katy Perry's look. She could pull of anything!
I think Keri is totally a fan of your site, although she must stay undercover due to her current contract, but she will be coming forward soon and is certainly a fan.
I totally agree that Katy Perry is a sexy gal and has really come into her own. Did you happen to catch her on Sesame Street? Parents are saying she was dressed to provocatively for the show. I loved her outfit, but I am not sure that Sesame was the right place for it, jury is still out on that one.
Have a fantastic weekend Colin, I enjoyed your collection.
Great chicks.. I always thought Anna Lynn was very pretty
I love all the pics and i just adore Kim. How she still stays that smashing at that age is something beyond me. Katy's choice in men is baffling really but she is one hot sweetheart.
Thanks for sharing.
Love them! Yay for Kim :) I think that Raquel Welch is still banging' she looks amazing in that picture! And I like Russell Bran d;)
Ek het gedink dit is sy! Mal oor AnnaLynne McCord. Dankie vir jou comment op my blog. Oh yes, the smile... Was bedonnerd, want die boer was nie lus om 'n foto te neem, toe moet ek self neem!
Hoop julle Oos Tranvaal trip gebeur. Was al self daar en dit is so mooi!
Lekker week!
I had always been an admirer of Raquel Welch and Sophia Loren in their prime. Yes, Raquel Welsh is a real charmer… very sexy. :)
Hello Colin : )
They are all gorgeous and fabulous! Hope you had a stunning wknd, its been cold and raining here...not nice
Chat soon
I really like all of these. Raquel is definitely my favorite. She's a goddess among women.
ooo-la-la....Raquel has been my idle since I was a teenager. Her phrase being 'Firm-Fit @ Forty' has always stayed in my mind. She was definitely my role model in beauty and sexiness~
The we have Kim Catrall...yet another Diva and she still carries her age well~
hm.. i like katy perry..
great post as always..
Raqual Welsh was soooooooooo incredible. I was about to say they don't make them like that now days...oh I said it.
Kim is amazing, so sexy, so confident and so funny.
Hope you are well sweetie. Have a great tuesday.
My sweet sweet friend Colin!
I love your sincere and lovely comments, you always make me happy. About your question, I take something like 15, 20 minutes for the photos. I always take them at the sunset and that’s why I can’t take much longer. About the ships, maybe they really were going really fast! It is incredible, isn’t it?
All my love, always! Fantastic girls here, so sexy!
See you,
Hello my friend Colin!
AnnaLynne McCord is so beautiful hair.I like the most Katy and Raquel Welch is sexy!
Nice week for you!
Katy Perry definitely did a big upgrade to her look, but when she appeared as a guest judge on American Idol here, she was so mean (and kind of arrogant) that it made me not like her anymore. I felt that she was an example of beauty only being skin deep.
Raquel Welch I think is the opposite. She still looks incredible for her age, and she is doing the interview circuit here to promote her new line of fashion wigs. She was so gracious and humble about her looks, that you couldn't help but think her personality made her even more beautiful.
damn....wish i looked that good in those pants....rawwwwwr:)
Hello Colin! As usual, you've been able to get great photos of women with really sexy bodies and legs. Woot woot to that!
Hope all is well...
I adore Katy Perry! She's so pretty! And you're right, her style has changed quite a bit. Either way she looks amazing!
Sexy nudist showing her tanned body and her huge tits and hard ass.
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I really like Katy Perry as well. She's a guilty pleasure of mine. But no denying that she is so stunning!
Thank you so much for getting back to me. I do really enjoy your blog :)
Oh, I love 3. picture! beautiful clothes! :)
Oh, I love 3. picture! beautiful clothes! :)
Wow! what a sexy leg she has....
So Sexy Legs thank you for sharing sexy legs.
Phone Sex
Legs are the most important part of human body.So lovely looks in this dress.
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