I know of no law that dictates you have to let go when you reach a certain age. Do you?
So why does one see so many older ladies look so terribly old? Why, if you have everything working for you, do you want to look like a wet old bag?
Pamela is one girl that is not aging well, and only because she isn't looking after herself.

I have posted this photo before, but it is an excellent example of Pamela not caring for herself. It beats me why one doesn't always wanna look one's best. Now I am not saying you have to dress up at home, (although I think I am spoiled, my wife always looks her best, even at home) but to appear in public like this? I think it is shocking.

A perfect example of a girl that goes out of her way to look after herself, Cindy Crawford. I have never seen her looking any less than her best. Will you believe me if I tell you that Pam and Cindy is just about the same age, one year difference to be exact, and Cindy is older. If you look at the pics you will never say that.

Another girl who looks after herself well, Michelle Pheiffer. And she is a '58 model, a decade older than both above girls. I see a stunning girl, who cares about herself.

Dana Delaney, a '56 model, still looking stunningly beautiful and sexy.

So what does the law say about getting old(er). Always dress to impress, there is no law against long hair, short sexy dresses, high heels, make up and great hair styles.
I have to say one thing in Pam's favor though, she still has the legs, even if the ID drops a mite. And she is not shy to flaunt them.

Before I forget, the MysteryMouth in my previous post, very few got her right, but those sexy legs belong to none other than Audrina Patridge.
Enjoy the weekend!

Here's my list of the sexiest women over fifty:
4. Kim Cattrall
3. Sophia Loren
2. Andie MacDowell
1. Iman
Hi Colin,
I couldn't agree with you more on this post. Of course with aging does come with things that one cannot escape, like wrinkles, sagginess, grey hair- however, you don't have to let yourselves go just because you're just another year older. I really like your pics of sexy women over 40. Cindy Crawford has always been the epitome of beauty, gorgeous hair, skin (and of course, sexy legs) have always been her trademark. Granted she does use boxox here and there but no judging, a girl does need help now and then. Now Pam Anderson, not to backstab my fellow Canadian actress but she looks harsh, like life hasn't been good to her the past 10 decades. Goodness, i can go on and on about this. Bottom line is to make no excuse, take care of yourself at any age. Look at Jane Fonda- she's super hot at 73! Thanks for the post Colin, have a great weekend!
good to find your blog
Hey Collin....you are what you eat remains to be a literal and realistic statement. As far as the drug and alcohol users go....time most definitely will tell all where they are concerned. Pam Anderson is an example of that one. I think she gave up her natural beauty a long time ago when she replaced it with cosmetic surgery~ Sad actually when so many woman would have given anything to have what she had.
So the key to anti-aging really is exercise, sleep and a healthy well balanced diet~
Poor Pam... but you are right!
Wherever the Sunset is
I have never been a huge Pam fan. Just too much fake there.
I agree with you about Pam, I can only hope I look as good as Cindy Crawford does when I am her age :) Hope you had a lovely wknd xx
Although I'm still on my 20s and know very little about aging. But I'm a firm believer of aging gracefully. I don't think any woman should let go no matter what your age is. I wanna be like Audrey Hepburn or Francoise Hardy when I get old later on, they still got that elegance and poise as days go by. Gorgeous ladies!
I love Cindy, and you are right! She is still a beautiful class act. :)
Cool dresses, my favourite is Dana's red clothes! Amazing!:)
I believe that the most important thing about aging is to remain beautiful inside... for sure it will reflect how you look outside...
You are lucky to have a lovely wife who takes care of herself. That shows self-respect and I wish my mom is more like that. She doesn't do anything for her looks at all. My goal is to never become like her and always make sure I take care of myself no matter how old I am. Thanks for this post! xoxoxoo
Gr8 post but I like anne hathway also she is sexy..
Could it be all the drugs and booze that have Pamela looking so old and worn out?
So many hollywood starts have me look forward to 40's and 50's, well Pamela is not one of them.
So glad to see an update from my favourite Colin. Missed u loads.
in the end, it's not just about aging, it's about GRACEFULLY aging :P
pamela should totally start fixing up :/
zanks for your commnt!!
Your blogs so original!
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Pamela!!! ...your years have passed!!!
Nice Photographic. Dana Delaney, a '56 model, still looking stunningly beautiful and sexy. All are too stylish.. Thanks for sharing...
hii .. Nice Post ..
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