Minka Kelly, always a favorite, and it's obvious why.
"Celebs on the red carpet" is some of the key phrases used to search on Feedjit and Danielle Lloyd is an all time favorite, so I thought it wise to combine the two. Here she is on the red carpet, wearing a very revealing dress and some sexy, high stiletto heels.

Jordana Brewster is another celeb whose name comes up a lot, well here she is, looking very sexy.

Reckon that is enough, have an enjoyable weekend.
The first sandals are cool! Sexy!
I really like Jordana Brewster's picture.
Hope you're having a great weekend.
Janet, yes they are, great taste you have! Thanks for the comment. have a super weekend.
Seeker, Jordana is a lovely lady, glad you like her pic. My weekend so far? doing well thanks, hope you have a great weekend too.
Anna Faris`s legs are absolutely stunning!!! ))) Wow! )
Thanks for the pics )
Dana, thanks, you are welcome, thanks for the visit. Yes, she looks stunning, it is only very hard to get nice pics of her.
Thanks again.
Anna shoes are fab, and she got surprisingly killer legs!
Hi Mimi, she does make a statement, doesnt she, lovely legs....!!
Thanks for the input, really appreciated.
That last dress is horrible... when the picture is small it looks like foil and when the pic is big, it looks like couch fabric. Jordan on the other hand is beautiful, even with her temporary laps in fashion judgment.
Hey Marie, thanks for the comment, :-)now I may not agree with you on that, I think she looks stunning, then again, being a man, I might just be looking with different eyes than everyone else, but everyone has a right to an opinion, and I appreciate your opinion. Also, I want people to disagree with me... that is what blogging is all about. Let's see what the other readers think... :-)
Nice collection you have here.
Living body canvas, thanks, I'd take that as a compliment, thanks also for the comment, really appreciate it. Please visit again, as often as you like!
Thanks for the sweet comment :)
Hi Sarah, you are welcome, and I mean what I said. Thanks for visiting, hope you enjoyed your stay. Please visit again.
Yes, I think I understand what you said!! How amazing that you learned to write Dutch (or in something which looks like dutch!). So cool!
Like i said, she is beautiful, the dress... not so much.
Sarah, lol, no not Dutch, it is Afrikaans, but Afrikaans originated from Dutch and French. So, it is my home langauge.
Thanks for replying.
Marie, I am sure there are millions of ladies who would agree with you, but sometimes the celebs dress in the most hideous outfits, not sure why.
Thanks again, I value your input, thanks again, to be honest, I actually enjoy your comments! I know you are being honest...
Hi Space lover, thanks for the comment, glad you like my site and thanks also for following. Will visit your sites.
Thanks again.
Hi Collin Minka Kelly look totally hot in that short outfit. Sexy legs and those shoe very very sexy.
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