I thought in order to thank you all, I am going to post some great legs. As I have over time, through experience, and reading comments, learned which celebs are most favored by my readers, I will post some pictures of those celebs.
First, Pam, ample leg, wearing high stiletto heels, if I am not mistaken, C L Pigales, (see, I am learning) some of the ladies would be able to correct me if I am wrong.

Megan Fox, in that now so familiar, extremely sexy pose. Great legs, stylishly dressed, wearing sexy high heels, favored by most readers.

A truly lovely and sexy Danielle Lloyd, one of my favorites too, for obvious reasons.

Kirsten Bell, her (mine too) favorite pose, wearing a shiny dress, sexy, stiletto heeled sandals, complimenting her lovely, well shaped legs.

Minka Kelly, loved by most, eleganty dressed. Notice the pose??

Last, but by no means least, loved and adored by everyone, myself included, Kate Beckinsale, looking lovely and happy. I think the photograph speaks for itself.

Once again, to all you loyal folks out there, THANKS!! Really appreciate your support!
I love the last one photo!
Wow Janet, that was quick, thanks for the comment, yes, she is a honey!
Yeah!!!! Congratulations!!!!
I'm new here, but I think you're doing a great work.
Keep doing it!!
And I also love that last picture, she looks amazing and sooo happy.
Have a nice weekend.
Hi Seeker, thanks for the kind words, I'd take that as a compliment. Eventhough you are new here, you have been a regular visitor and also contributed to my success story, thanks. Yes Kate does look radiantly happy... she is such a lovely person.
Thanks again!
i love pam!!!
thank you for your encouraging comment. and you're right, would definitely look better with heels, but unfortunately too tiring to wear to work! =(
have a great weekend!
Joelyne, thanks for the comment, you are welcome, was just "thinking" out loud..lol...
great pics. thanks for the comment.
camille x
Congrats Colin, your efforts have paid off well :) And your blog is proudly PR3
I like the last picture, that's the kind of legs that makes me!
Camille, thanks for the comment and the compliment, and you are welcome.
Hi Pastilan, thanks, and thanks for the compliment. I have to agree with you, those legs are really sexy, it seems to me that Kate is the favorite of those readers who have commented on this post.
Thanks again...!
congrats!!! Great pics!
Heidi, thanks for the comment, and thanks for the compliment.
My favorite, Kirsten bell!!!
A very nice series of pics!
Thank you!!!
cangratulation for you, get more success in the future...n have a nice day..
Still, yes Kirsten is a honey, and ons of my favorites too, thanks for visiting and comment. Hope to see you again.
Azzalea zie, thanks for visiting and commenting, you are always welcome.
Thanks again.
They are so beautiful and sexy.
hi there... great blog...
this will surely be not my last visit...
see yah!
JAYtography: An Online Travelogue
Bredpetehoops, thanks for the visit, yes they are fantastic.
enjayneer, thanks for the compliment, you are always welcome! Thanks for the input.
hello colin, i wish to see my legs being feautured here, too - kidding! hehe.
anyway, i already placed your badge on my healthnbeyond.com blog (your badge's already in my www.ovahcoffee.com blog already)
here's the link where i placed it: http://www.healthnbeyond.com/2009/03/blogroll.html
thanks for being a friend!
Hi Maxi, great to see you again. Hey if you forward me a pic, I will post it... seriously!
thanks for displaying my badge on your sites, it makes a hell of a differenc, so i am really grateful.
hey, it's fantastic being your friend, have a wonderful weekend.
Those aren't the sexiest legs, they're nice but more normal
Mr/ms Anon, well everyone has a right to an opinion, however, I beg to differ, but i'll tell you what, why dont you send me a few pictures of the legs you think are sexiest and I will post them for you... how is that?? thanks for the comment anyway. ;-)
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