I will never delete comments unless they are really distasteful or under the belt, not even if it is negative criticism, as I believe that criticism can only serve to better the quality of my site. Fortunately so far I have never received any terrible comments, but the comments from this anonymous person boiled down to the fact that the legs displayed on my site were not even close to well shaped or sexy, something to that effect. Forgive me if I forgot the exact words. However, I replied and asked this person to forward pictures of legs that are better than the ones on my site, and I will post them for him or her. I never got another comment, but just in case he or she never went back to the post where these comments were left, I thought it wise to do a post about it and challenge him or her to put their money where their legs are and forward any pics (within limits of course) and I will post them on my site. My regular readers can then judge and see what they think.
In the meantime, and until we hear from Mr/s Anonymous again, I am going to post a few pics of ladies, who in my opinion have sexy legs. So he or she will have to produce or shut up.
To open the ball, Stacy Keibler.

Tina Fey looking especially lovely, flaunting some sexy legs, wearing high heels that really compliment her calves.

Kim is not one of my regulars, but in this photograph she looks truly sexy. It must be the C L Pigalles shaping her legs so nicely.

Audrina is brand new on this site, but she definitely deserve her place on the red carpet.

I have no idea who this girl is, but she has the best shaped legs I have seen in a long time. Maybe a little too muscular for some, but damn well shaped and extremely sexy all the same. It is my opinion that the stockings and heels actually serve to improve the shape of her legs.

So Mr/s Anonymous, this is a challenge, you improve that and I will eat my words...
oh my god, those last pair of legs are amazing!!!! I completely agree with your picks, by the way :-)
I agree, tanya! The last pair of legs are sporty and sex-ay! I'm envious. LOL!
Have a great weekend!
Tanya, thanks for the comment, yes I have to agree, those legs are extremely sexy. Glad you like my pics. :-)
Janet, thanks for the comment, I always value your input. Enjoy your weekend too. ;-)
People who post anonymous never have the nerve to back up their posts with an identity or anything else.
Have a great weekend!
Audrina & Kim look amazing! That girl who u said u didnt know it is is Ciara!
Stilettolover was quicker :) Indeed it is her in Balenciaga heels! Sorry Anon, maybe next time :P
Yes to ALL, especially Tina Fey ~ she is so sexy!
Sher hi, yes I do agree with you about people who post anonymously, but I was hoping to draw this person out of his comfort zone, Thanks for the comment, really appreciate it.
Stiletto, ah, thanks fot that info, you really know your celebs. When you reach my age you dont really pay that much attention to finer detail. lol, Thanks for the comment, always appreciate your input.
Dexter, thanks, well, between you and stiletto lover I will always be able to put a name to an unknown celeb or pair of shoes! You guys realy know your subject. Thanks again.
Couture Carrie, I am so glad you say that, abouty Tina that is, if you look at my chat box, Anthony W feels that Tina does not belong here. Guess one can please most of the people most of the time, but not all of the people all the time. ;-) I have to agree with you however, I think Tina looks extremely sexy. Thanks for your comment, really value your opinion.
Yeah, I was missing out on sexy legs, but now I've got my fill :)
Well, I choose Stacy Keibler in this batch, her legs really rock!
ThAnks for ur commet in my blog! :)
I am glad u liked it! I am going to link ur blog, ok?
I loved it!
Pastilan, thanks for the visit, and the comment. Yeah, Stacy is a winner, she is really sexy!
Amoramor, you are welcome, and I am honored, glad you like my blog, will link you too!
Thanks for commenting and linking.
Hey Colin...
Beauty is definitely in the eyes of the beholder.
I guess that commenter was never taught the rule of...If you have nothing nice to say.....say nothing at all :)
A rule of thumb I have taught my own children to live by.
Also every pc screen varies in how photos show up. I have my laptop and my desktop and I see things differently on both :)
Everyone is entitled to their opinions... that is what makes the world go around:)
I loved your rebuttal...it shows that you have good character:)
Dorothy, yes you are hitting the button on the nose, and I really dont mind people's different opinions, to be honest, I appreciate those kind of comments, it gives me something to proof. Thanks for the compliment, the visit and your comment.
Legs are great indeed. You have a good taste Colin =)))
Dana, thanks, I'd take that as a compliment! Glad to see you back.
Hope you are doing ok!?
I like your comment policy. I try to do the same thing, allow all comments unless they're obviously spam. I don't mind if they criticize me or my blog, but I don't let them criticize other commentors.
I've actually had some good anonymous ones that reveal something about themselves that makes them too embarrassed to identify themselves. Sounds like your anonymous was just being cowardly.
Hi Tina, thanks for commenting,yes I dont mind, actually I like it when people do not agree with me, it gives me new ideas to write about, like in this case. I do not even mind spam, and up to now I never had anyone critisizing other bloggers. I also dont mind anonymous commentors. I understand that some may be embarrased, but what ever the case,I will laugh this one off, this anon will more than likely not come forward, so at least I had something to post about, and my regular readers and new ones agree with my choice in legs.
Thanks again, really value your input. :-)
thanks! beautiful dresses overhere!
Tina and audrina look amazing!
beautiful photo ...
Suzanne, thanks for the visit, glad to have you. Thanks also for the comment, really appreciate it. Hope to see you around again soon.
Hey Noble, thanks for the visit, thanks also for the comment. Glad to hear you say that about Tina, there seems to be a difference of opinion about her, but the majority agrees with you!
Processor, thanks, glad you enjoy them. Hope to see more of you.
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