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Sunday, June 21, 2009


I thought it wise to get some fresh blood on the blog, so I am going to post some pics of legs that have not been on my site before, some pics I have dug out of my "archive", hope you enjoy them!

I cannot tell you where she fits into the picture, or what her claim to fame is, but she does have nice legs, Aly Michalka.

Not sure who this lovely girl is either, but it is such a nice photo, I thought I'd post it. Lovely legs, lovely dress!

Ali Landry - Pretty average legs in my book, but those sexy high heeled sandals make them legs look mighty sexy.

No idea who she is but you will more than likely recognize these legs, they belong to the girl on my badge. Now this is another example of pretty average legs turned into sexy legs by wearing sexy stockings and high stiletto heeled shoes.

Diane Kruger, looking mighty fetching. I am not crazy about the sandals, but they do compliment her legs very nicely.

Guess that will have to do for today, you can let me know what you think. Please keep in mind, these were not by a long shot the most beautiful legs, but I am pretty sure you will have to agree, the high heeled shoes these ladies wear make those legs look a whole heap better. So girls, take a hint, if you want to impress a guy, go for a higher heel.


Seeker said...

Always with great pictures, Colin.

Hope everything is ok

Have a nice time


Grumpy old man said...

Thanks SeeKer,
always great to hear from you. I am fine thanks, hope you are doing well too!
Thanks for visiting. :-)

stilettolover91 said...

Great post!! Great that ur posting some new girls!! Aly looks amazing, and she's part of Aly & AJ, they're sisters who sing together and they also act. i like them alot!!

Mika's Fashion said...

really great post! i like all those legs..

Grumpy old man said...

Stilettolover, thanks for the info, always welcome! Thanks also for the comment, glad you like the post..

Grumpy old man said...

Mika, thanks for the visit, and thanks also for the compliment, always great to know my readers are happy with my choices. Please visit again.

heidi said...

Love the pic of the girl in the black dress and heels. Would love to wear that!

maxivelasco said...

hello colin! wow.. nice legs and shoes as usual... still, i haven't taken some photos of me in high heeled shoes yet.. my legs aren't that pretty and sexy anyway. hehe.

by the way, i have launched my new blog hope we can also exchange links...


Sam Masghati said...

The girl in the red dress is singer "JoJo" ;)
Nice Blog btw

Grumpy old man said...

Well Heidi, what is stopping you from wearing a similar dress and heels, from looking at the pics on your site of you, I am pretty sure you can look the same if not better!
Thanks for the comment!

Grumpy old man said...

Hi Maxi, thanks for the comment, and hey, I am sure you are just being modest about your legs.... :-) Why dont you just post a pic and let us decide??!! is that a great idea or what?
I will visit your new site, thanks for the visit and the invite, and yes, I will link you asap.

Grumpy old man said...

Sam, thanks for the info, I just know people will be able to recognise them if I am not able to put a name to the face, thanks again and thanks for the visit and compliment. Hope to see you around again.

Forgetful Princess said...

HI dear. Im not getting married by any chance..lolz.
We were just invited to attend a wedding exhibit that is why.

yay! new shoes and legs!

You are really amazing!
Thanks for the visit Colin :-)

Grumpy old man said...

Hello Princess, thanks, welcome back! Thanks, I'll take that as a ompliment. Thanks for visiting, always nice to see you around.
Take care~!

Allison said...

wow... getting a little riske with the disney girls are you? (the first two girls). they are a little young, but well dressed.

TFP said...

Nice blog!! xoxo

Grumpy old man said...

Disney girls? Marie...hehehe, what are you thinking of?? It is all in the mind, I have to assume that they are both 18 years or older, and they look it. So, no guilty conscience here. :-)
But I should have known that kind words from you will be few and far between...
Thanks, yes they are weldressed, and beautiful, glad you noticed that al least, and thanks for the comment and well hidden compliment! :-) I am looking forward to the next, your next visit.

Grumpy old man said...

Alba, thanks for the comment and also the compliment, glad you like it, please visit again soon.

Grumpy old man said...

Alba, if you read this, please let me have your site address, I cannot access it merely from your name and I would really love to return the favor and visit you too.

K@terina B. said...

hehee!! amazing idea this blog....!!! I am bored of all this fashion thing (I am looking for ways to differentiate myself...)

Grumpy old man said...

K@terinaB, thanks for the visit, also for the compliment, glad you like it. Hope to see more of you!

Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous legs! Diane Kruger is fantastic!


Allison said...

Encounter? What am i a shark? Im not going to attack or anything.

FrouFrouu said...

haha, i just discovered your blog and LOVE the concept. delectable limbs.

- nadia

Hanh, Life-in-Travel said...

gorgeous legs!!!


Grumpy old man said...

Couture Carrie, thanks for the visit, comment, Yes Diane is a real honey, very sexy indeed.
Thanks again.

Grumpy old man said...

Marie, hehhe, i thought that would get your attention!! Well, as you can no doubt see, I corrected my statement to the word "visit", but I just had to indicate that attack was the first word thnat entered my mind. :-)
Only I thought that maybe I need to soften the blow by changing to "visit"
However, be assured that it was all in a good spirit, your "attacks" actually amuse me and more often than not cause a good laugh. So, the bottom line is, I love having you here, commenting and "attacking" my work, so please do not stop!

Grumpy old man said...

FrouFrouu, welcome to my humble site, glad you like what you see, I hope that you wil visit now on regular basis and comment as much as you possibly can!
Thanks for the comment!

Grumpy old man said...

Hanh, thanks for comment, really appreciate every comment, specially the nice ones.
Hope to see more of you!

Grumpy old man said...

Hanh, thanks for comment, really appreciate every comment, specially the nice ones.
Hope to see more of you!

Allison said...

so am i designated mean girl for the site? every one else is nice and im the sassy one?

Grumpy old man said...

Marie, now what on earth would make you think that? On the contrary, I think you are a sweet, loving, kind girl, and I love having you around!!
Hope you will have a wonderful weekend!

Becky Regina said...

aww they do have nice legs . :D great blog

Grumpy old man said...

Becky, thanks for the comment, glad you like it. Thanks also for the compliment, really appreciate it.

Allison said...

i really am very kind... most of the time, but as i said before i can be very sassy. :) as long as you dont mind nether do i.

Golden said...

Hi Colin! I really appreciate your sweet comments. Oh, I might as well get myself some high heels. Thanks for the tip! Nice blog by the way.

Grumpy old man said...

Golden, thanks for commenting and visiting, and you are most welcome. Yeah, go get yourself s pair of killer heels! Thanks also for the compliment, really appreciate it!

Grumpy old man said...

Marie, I dont mind, and I always had this vague idea that deep, deep down inside you, there is a kind heart.. :-) Seriously, the sassy part I can handle, so no, I do not mind at all.
Thanks for the visit and for replying, and you are always welcome!

Sally Chau-li said...

haha thanks for the comment, great blog!!

Grumpy old man said...

Hi Sally, you are welcome, thanks for returning the favor and thanks also for the compliment, really appreciate it.

Grumpy old man said...

Alvinkelly, hehe, I have found my true love, thanks.

Seriale-modeuse said...

Diane's dress is amazing.

Grumpy old man said...

Seriale - modeuse, welcome, thanks for the comment, Yes, Diane wears it well too! She looks stunning.
Thanks for the visit. Hope to see you again.

Allison said...

lol! well now that we have that established.

Grumpy old man said...

Yes, wow, thank goodness that is sorted out, so now what?

[LA] said...


This dress looks perfect on her body!

Grumpy old man said...

LA, hi, welcome, and thank you very much for commenting. You are right, Diane's dress does look perfect and she looks stunning!
Thanks again!

simplychic said...

I'm not a fan of thatshoe on Diane Kruger either, but that Jason Wu dress is to die for!!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Grumpy old man said...

HI Simplchic, I agree, that dress is fabulous and she wears it well. You are welcome, great blog you have.

İlhami Uyar said...

Very nice blog,I like admire,have a good wishes

Grumpy old man said...

Illhami, thanks for the comment and compliment, really appreciate your input and visit. Please come again!

All Things Blonde said...

Great photos! I love Ali Landry and Ali Michalka! XOXO

Grumpy old man said...

All Things Blond, thanks for the comment and compliment.

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Dc Shoes said...

The shoes are just awesome!!! I like their colors and styles. Heels actually exercise your calves while you walk!!