Two good things happened to me this week. First of all, I won a giveaway, first time in my life, and obviously I thought someone was yanking my chain when I first saw these words in the e mail in my inbox: "You are the WINNER mr Charming" Now with all the bollie stuff you get via e mail, I at first thought, yea right! Then I saw this particular mail was from the lovely Dena of Pretty Little Things, so I reconsidered and continued reading the whole mail, and I realized that I was in fact the winner of a lovely necklace. (I do not think I quite qualify for the title, Mr Charming, but if Dena thinks I do, who am I to argue the point.) The giveaway was hosted by the very talented Sarah of Silk & Velours Blog.
Thanks to both these ladies for, first allowing me to enter the competition, and secondly, letting me win the prize, you are both so sweet and kind! Please folks, visit their sites and support them, they are both lovely ladies, with fabulous sites!
The second good thing that happened to me, I got an award, and this award was passed on to me by Lady V of A little Bit of Vic Blog.

Now I am not sure if you have ever been to her site, if not, you are missing out on a lot, she is a treat. Now be careful, you do not wanna be in her bad books, she's got a mighty sharp tongue, (do not tell her I said that) but she has a heart of gold. (you can tell her I said that.) Thanks Vic for passing this award on to me, I really appreciate your kind words.
Now there are some rules to this award, but as Lady V said, rules can be broken, (uhhhm, she didn't put it quite like that) and seeing that she has already broken them, I am going to break those she hasn't broken yet.
I have to mention six things I mastered. Now it would honestly have been easier for me to mention things I do not master, or have not mastered yet, but here goes,
I, lately, well more accurately, for the last 17 odd years, mastered road rage, I used to be terrible, and have thrown idiots' car keys away for driving like their names say, idiots, and endangering other people's lives.
I have mastered patience when I fool around in the garage, doing woodwork, or any other repair jobs in and around the house, well ok, sort of mastered it. I am still working on that one, but have made remarkable progress.... really, I have! Just don't ask my wife, she will not agree with me.
I have, also sort of, mastered blogging, a tough one this used to be, and I used to really get mighty uptight (that's putting it extremely mildly) when I couldn't get pictures uploaded, or what ever. Nowadays blogging is a breeze...except getting a heading for my posts....
I have mastered, or I think I have just about mastered my own finances, after almost 40 years of battling as an employee, or small business owner ... believe me, there is only one relatively easy way of being financially free, invest in property... take my word for that... and take note, I said relatively easy! Nothing is easy, so whenever someone tells you something is easy, tell him to...p.... go away... and no, I am not financially free yet, and will not be for the next 10 years, but at least there is light at the end of the tunnel.
What else is there, hell, I can honestly not think of anything else... (ok, and my memory is also not what it used to be, but that is something I do not care to master anymore, some things are better left forgotten, specially at my age) so please forgive me, that is it, I have mastered very little, but I have achieved quite a lot, and I think that is the important part.
Now here is where I am going to break the rules some more, I am not going to forward this award, if any of you folks out there feel like telling us what you have mastered, please do so and take this award, you are welcome, we would love to hear.
Thanks again Vic, for thinking of me, see, you have a heart of gold.... when you put your mind to it....haha.... I know, I am on thin ice here! Please guys and girls, treat yourself, Vic is anxious to entertain you on her blog, and I can promise you, it is quite an experience!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Thanks for the lovely feature. All i can say is that "good things happen to good people".
Congrats! I never win anything either..but should perhaps try harder...maybe I'll get lucky like you:) I love your mastering skills. I am slowly but surely mastering road rage too. I know. You better believe. Thanks for speaking of me so mightyfullicious. (I make up my own words too) How nice! Enjoy the weekend sweetheart!:)
Congrats on the win and the award! That is so exciting! :)
Congratulations on winning the lovely necklace and on your award. It sounds like you have mastered so many great things and you should be proud of yourself Colin! xo
Haha, congrats on winning the giveaway & the award :)
Congrats on winning the giveaway and on ur award!!
You so deserve the award Colin dear. I enjoyed reading the stuff you have mastered.
Take care.
Amiable brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
Hi Anon, you are welcome!
Congrats Colin!
I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading your blog. You have good views...keep up the good work :)
nice post
i like it
oooh! :D congratz! :D
Congrats on everything Colin! Hope ur having a lovely wknd! xx
Wow, congrats! You're really lucky :)
hi thanks for beautiful comment its wonderful
I like this site! The soap jewels are pretty too! thanks
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