First pics I saw of her, she dressed more like a girl next door. Not sexy at all. I guess she was still new on the scene, and confidence was still lacking.

However, with time her confidence grew, she got bolder and started to dress with more sex appeal. Her body language in this pic says: "wow, look at me now!" In my opinion she is an extremely beautiful girl, I just love her smile, and even though that dress is dangerously short and revealing, (not the dress I would allow my daughter to leave the house with, haha...) she looks fabulous, and very, very sexy. A strikingly strong body language, loads of sex appeal, and no doubt, extremely feminine.

Another girl who used to dress pretty boring, and sometimes even quite sloppy, is Jennifer Aniston. Take a look at this pic, to me she looks pretty pale.

However, lately we see her dressing quite sexy, wearing really fashionable dresses and towering high heeled shoes. Could it be that she is trying to impress someone? Or has she just gained confidence again? Whatever the case might be, I am glad coz she really looks fabulous these days.

A girl who I have a soft spot for, and who I think always dresses very fashionably and sexy, is Heather Graham. I think this picture explains itself. Heather is a beautiful young lady, loads of sex appeal, and I have never seen a pic of her where she didn't look feminine.

Here is a little test for you guys, who is this?

Guess that is all, for a Sunday I have worked pretty hard, so hope your week will be great, take care everyone!
Whomever she is, she has dirty feet---ew! hahaha!:)
I feel like I should know who she is because she looks very familiar but can't place her. It would have been a lot easier to answer who's photo I liked best. That would be Katie Perry. Loved her song "I Kissed a Girl" and loved Lady Gaga kissing a girl in the music video "Telephone". P.S.: I'm following you and you're on my blogroll.
I feel like I should know who the last girl is too. I want to say Kate Beckinsale, but I don't know if that is right. Just a guess! Jennifer Aniston is looking so hot these days. I love her! xo
The girl in the last pic is Kate Beckinsale and yea her feet r very dirty in that pic!! I really like the 2nd pic of Katy & the 2nd pic of Jennifer!! Beautiful women!! Fab post!
hey lovely, hope you and your wifey had a fab weekend. I adore Jennifer Aniston. She got the perfect body, fab dress sense- very classy. Love her!!!!
Jennifer Aniston is so pretty, I love her body, her legs are perfect
Kate Beckinsale I think. Hey I'm away for a few weeks (working on my legs) and I'll miss you xx
Last picture...Kate Beckinsale?
And Jennifer Aniston does have amazing legs - she always looks gorgeous!! :)
I love Jennifer's style! Sexy.
Kate Beckinsale? :)
jennifer Aniston looks so sexy at her age! Love her
Jennifer Aniston has sexy legs!
who is thatt?! I cant tell!
Katy is so beautiful, I really love her fashion sense. Is that Kate Beckinsale??
There are just wasy to look super hot and mind you, it takes only 10 Hot Tips on Being Sexy
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第60回 安田記念 2010 予想 オッズ 出走馬 枠順で万馬券をズバリ的中!絶対なるデータが確実に当てるための秘訣
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