Take Cindy Crawford for example, she is in her mid forties, still sexy? For sure! Can she still wear short dresses, show cleavage? My opinion, nothing wrong with it. As long as she feels comfortable with it, why not? With beautiful legs like hers, definitely!

How about Joan Collins? She is mid 70's, and she must be one of the most beautiful ladies of all times. Now what would you say, is she supposed to still dress according to the latest fashion, short skirts, cleavage, heels, etc. Looking at this pic, I honestly cannot see why not. Can you?

And Sophia Loren, also mid 70's, is she allowed to still dress sexy? Again, as long as she feel comfortable with it, why not. In this pic she looks smoking hot, a beautiful revealing red dress and high heeled sandals. A true picture of sex appeal, of an almost 80 year old dame.... I see nothing wrong with it.

I honestly believe, if a girl's got it, she's allowed to flaunt it. Do not understand me wrong, I am not saying trashy flaunting, if you get my drift, I mean within limits, like Cindy is demonstrating in this picture. She looks sexy, yet classy, elegant and beautiful.

Jenna Dewan demonstrates a younger version of fashionable, sexy and elegant dressing. Love the slip in that dress! And she looks stunning.

Now my opinion on this subject is, first of all, when is someone considered too old to dress fashionably or sexy? 40, 50? 60? 70? I believe, age is but a number and cannot really be defined until you consider yourself "too old." I would never stop my wife from dressing sexy when she gets older, fortunately I am much older than her, so before she reaches the age of "too old" I will not be around anymore... meaning when she reaches 90....lol...I'll be dead and gone....long gone.
So what is your opinion on this subject, are older ladies like Joan Collins or Sophia for instance, too old to dress in short skirts or heels? Or color their hair? When is someone too old to dress sexy? I'd love to hear what you think.
Have a wonderful week and take care.
I agree - if the woman still has it, why not show it off? And why stop being fashionable when you're old? I love it when I see someone like my grandma dress up, and still does her makeup and such.
I agree with you 100% Colin. I do notice it is women who cut other women down for dressing sexy, no matter what the age. I am always going to dress fashionable and I believe other women should too. If you have nice legs you should show them off no matter how old you are. Rules for dressing your age are lame and are put in place by other women and touted in fashion magazines over and over again.
In my most recent post I had someone tell me I was a 'skank on so many levels.' Do they know me? No, but they do feel as if they can judge me for wearing a form-fitting dress. In order for girls to like you it seems you must tone down your sexiness and wear one thing tight on top, one thing loose on bottom or vice versa. There are all these fashion rules that are a load of crap in my opinion. Also, the other rule is about leggings. You must wear a longer top/shirt/tunic to cover your butt when you wear leggings. If you don't then that is bad. Personally, my boyfriend feels the same way you do. If you got it, flaunt it. He also believes that if a woman criticizes another woman she is usually jealous. I love the way men think much more than the way women think. That is why all my life I have gotten along a lot better with guys than girls and have many more guy friends. EXCELLENT post Colin! xo
I agree with you!! I personally think that all of these women look incredible especially Sophia! If they can pull it off and look good no matter how old they are i say go for it!
I agree that age is just a number. It is not a restrictor plate!
If you look good...feel good... then dress good.
As long as you are not an eye sore to others, and you make others wish thy could look like you, then show it off. BE A ROLE MODEL THAT YOU CAN STILL BE HEALTHY AS YOU AGE.
Jonnie Long
This woman is a Finnish dance instructor who was born in 1927.
In these pictures she's 74 years old:
here 79:
Do you think she should cut her hair short and forget about short hems?
I don't...
I just wish I manage to stay as vibrant as her. Since age is just a number, but attitude is everything.
xoxo, Prefecta
Another Fab Day
I agree!!! As long as you do it with some class!!! I am older and love to dress up .
Gosh these ladies are gorgeous! I don't think there is an age limit on dressing fashionably. My mother is almost 54 and - though her hemlines are a bit longer and she shows less cleavage - she still takes pride in her appearance and wears what she likes. I think all older ladies should do the same! :)
Colin darling,
I love this post and the 3 examples you gave are all amazing. They are great role models for younger women who are not taking care of their bodies- eating lots of bad food and no exercise. We need to all stop eating junk and see our bodies as the temple they are.
Colin darling,
I love this post and the 3 examples you gave are all amazing. They are great role models for younger women who are not taking care of their bodies- eating lots of bad food and no exercise. We need to all stop eating junk and see our bodies as the temple they are.
In my opinion...if you have it...flaunt it. BUT...there should also be a balance in how one dresses at certain ages also.
As for the women in the awesome photos above...these women are dressed to show it off and impress. Their normal attire probably looks something like we ourselves wear when we are not out to impress ;)
Also for any age...somethings should be covered and not shared with the public eye~
Love the topic Collin as I am 51 and I do second guess even myself at times as to what clothing or styles catch my eye.
Wear what you feel good in is my bottom line :)
Cindy Crawford is AMAZING!!!! When I first moved to the states, I was about 8 or 9, Cindy Crawford was on the very first fashion magazine I saw. I was just in awe by her bold beauty. And I considered her the definition of "American beauty". For her to still look as good now? That's timeless! She is absolutely gorgeous and inspirational! I guess you know what my opinion is: if you got it, flaunt it!
I also think if you have it, show it off if you're comfortable with it. I think that the older women shown in your blog look fabulous!
interesting post! I liked it a lot. I think if you are older you can still dress sexy as long as it's classy.
example - mariah carey: i don't think she dresses right for her age
Halle Berry - i think she dresses sexy but appropriate for her age
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interesting post! I liked it a lot. I think if you are older you can still dress sexy as long as it's classy.
example - mariah carey: i don't think she dresses right for her age
Halle Berry - i think she dresses sexy but appropriate for her age
I'm a new follower. Please check out my blog as well when you get a chance and follow if you like : )
Age is nothing but a number. Women should dress as fashionably as they want at anytime in their life. :)
Julie, thanks you ever so much for leaving your thoughts with us. Thank you also for the kind words, glad you see you visiting, hope to see you again soon.
Great topic here Colin, and I agree along the lines with what Dorothy said. They should wear it is comfortable to them regardless of public perception or opinion of them. However, there is a fine line in what they should show to the public, but that's also not my place to say they can't either.
As I said before, it's their right to dress the way the feel as it is a right to express if they should do so.
And for the record, Cindy Crawford still looks sexy, too!
I agree if the woman is a super model like those womans, LOL. I think that a womans musn't be embarrased of her body, but may lot of them do, so... The other day was walkin in the street when I saw a woman and she was may 60... She was wearing a boots, a skirt and a t-shirt and she was really cute! And she was not the kind of woman that stills perfect like the women of the photos. She was a real woman, and it made me feel good :)
totally agree- beautiful!!
Hi Colin!
Really beautiful.You fell done!
I think(like) that every woman should wear a sexy and beautiful and dress in short skirts or heels and color their hair.Age is only numbers,but
I then Iam older women no longer putting the dress in short.Still beutiful dress.
Have a wondeful week and all good!
When done right, I think older women can absolutely dress sexy. I don't think anyone has the right to dictate how others should dress. I ran into this a little when I bought my mom some younger style clothing over the holidays (and I didn't even think they were younger style- they were still classic styles but my mom deemed them young). She was like, I'm too old to wear this! It's too tight or it's too short (and for her a short dress is every so slightly above the knee!). I was like mom, you can totally rock these clothes. When I'm older, I'm definitely going to take into consideration what I'm doing then and my environment but if I still want to dress sexy then I will. Though I have to admit I've said for awhile that I think when I'm older with a family I'm not going to care as much about the clothes I wear so we'll see :) Great, thought-provoking post!
Cindy Crawford is one of my fav models ever! She's gorgeous and so sexy!
I think you nailed it on the head when you said if you've got it flaunt it and it's all about one's own comfort. I used to think that piercings were an age-specific look as well but just had a yoga instructor in her 50s with a nose piecing that fit her quite nicely.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this post, Colin!
As you know, I already have a 14 year old son, and do not by any means, prohibit myself from wearing anything I wish to wear regardless of my age. I believe comfort (ease as well as a healthy acceptance of one's self image) and confidence is key to creating one's own style.
I agree with you, Colin. :) So classic...
This is so true - it doesn't matter what age you are, as long as you look great, it doesnt really matter! It's nice to see someone post on something different other than the usual models xxx
I absolutely agree with you and want to thank you for writing this article. I think what makes older women who wear sexy clothes sexy is not the clothes - its the confidence! When one is comfortable with their body and their sensuality - THAT'S sexy!!
Sophia Loren is so beautiful in real life 2! Her son was married with an Hungarian :)
I love Jenna tattoo.Just makes her legs more sexy right? :) Must be painful...hehe
Have a great night! Hope u not gonna wake up early( if u know what I mean)!
Thanks Audrey E, I agree with you, confidence can change ones whole look.
Thanks for leaving a kind thought, it is always great to hear that ppl appreciate an effort.
I love this post, and I especially like what you said re: the main people who complain about folks dressing "out of their age" are people who don't care about their looks. There is no such thing as being too old to look good. My Mom takes better care of her appearance than me and she looks amazing!
they are very beautiful yet! :)
Indeed, it is a sexy legs.. the image that you have too.. awesome!
woOo... ALL sexy legs..so beauty womens!*
This is so true ! I'm kind of confused of what to wear when I'm old , and this post gives me the answer ! I think I shouldn't stop dressing-up ! They are all still look sexy . And have beautiful legs for sure ! Haha . Nice post Colin !
For me if a woman has beautiful legs, no matter how old she is, she should show them.
I agree with the article...however, when you look at Joan Collins, I can not see her trying to wear a mini skirt... it would be just tacky for her. She has a lot more class than that. So does Cindy Crawford and Sophia Loren.... however, I was out at a dance club over the weekend and saw a woman, clearly in her sixties... maybe older, and she was in a mini skirt and a top that showed her cleavage... it looked very tacky. She could have dressed 'sexy' without looking like a tramp... but in her case, she just looked cheap....like she was trying to look like she was in her twenties. It was definitely tacky.
I truly think it depends on the outfit and the person wearing it...the presentation of it all. It can be done tastefully, or tacky.... so it depends on the person.
I like this post!
Have a nice day!
hi colin!
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I think that what you said about dressing sexy but elegant rather than trashy is really the key (and honestly, even young women do themselves a disservice when they dress trashy even if they technically can "get away with it.")
It's hard to believe the age of some of these women, definitely something to aspire to.
I like this post all of them are very sexy women with good legs.
but in my opinion sexy women is not always must have a sexy legs. he..
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I think age is just a number. Women should be able to dress however they want. It shouldn't matter how old a person is. If a woman wants to look sexy then she should go for it! If you look amazing, why not show it off?
As rightly seen on your "labels" list, I think that it's a question of Sex Appeal and Confidence (which mutually used to be interlinked) beyond All . . .
ps: Cindy Crawford is Utterly Stunning in her electrifying Blue Dress !!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
From a guy's perspective, Cindy Crawford will be damn sexy up until the day she dies. Mmm mmm.
Hi, Colin. I followed you from Treacle's blog. As a 40 something woman who still dresses "sexy" whenever it's appropriate (i.e., not at work), I wholeheartedly agree. And I love seeing mature women who still feel comfortable showing off their sexuality.
T-Rex, thanks for coming over, and thanks for your lovely comment. It is great to get this kind of response.
Thanks again for sharing with us, and hope to see you around again soon.
Cindy is hot but I think she works out really hard:)
Yes, u can any age- but it all depends on how you style the outfit. Any woman can wear a skirt but it all depends on what they wear with it and how they style it that will make it look age appropiate. : )
Hope u are having a fabulous long wknd!! Thnaks again for all your support and comments. xxx
I think it is okay to dress sexy so long as the individual is truly dressing for herself and not for other people. (Thx to Coco Chanel, women no longer need to dress for men.)
I think there is an age limit for mini skirts but I'm not sure what number that is... heels and hair coloring are always in style no matter what age :) Mon Mode Blog
I definitely think it's okay for an older woman to dress sexy as long as it is in good taste and she feels beautiful. I think sexy clothes can make you look and feel younger and shows off all your beauty at any age.
Stefanie, thanks for your welcome comment, I agree with you, she should be comfortable with it and as long as she doesn't look cheap. What you said, sums it up very nicely.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, I always love to get different points of view.
Thank you so much for this uplifting post. Sophia Loren looks great. I hope one is never too old to dress sexy. I try to do it on my own blog even though I'm not a woman and I'm starting to get up there in years myself. Great subject.
..this is such a brilliant post .. I love when woman take her of herself and make herself look smart even at 70 or more ..I think it's womans duty to look good .. the man is the wall but woman is the picture on it .. not other way round ..Sophia Loren is my idol , she is just lady I would love to look when I'm her age..and all these ladies don't even need to have a short skirt , the elegance and glamour they have , you just can't not notice that ..also some of 50 year old look better then 20 year old ..
brilliant brilliant post ..love Sophia Loren ..
..I mean 'take care of herself'..sorry for mistake..
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Silk does really make older woman look sexy.
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