What gives a girl sex appeal? What makes her attractive to those who admire her, those around her? Her figure? Could be. Her facial features? Possibly yes. Her dress sense? Maybe. Her boobies? For a lot of guys definitely! Beautiful legs? Yep!
My opinion, and based on what Antoine and Audrey E mentioned in their comments, the key word is confidence. A woman can wear the most beautiful outfit, the best make up, the most expensive accessories, the highest heels, however, if she has no confidence, she will lack that final puzzle piece to portray true and obvious sex appeal.
See Alicia Silverstone in this picture, does she look confident? Not in my opinion, she looks almost scared, hesitant and unsure of herself. So, in my opinion, despite the fact that she is dressed very fashionably, she lacks real sex appeal.

Anne Hathaway, such a lovely dress, she looks stunning, fashionable, but she sadly lacks sex appeal. She looks kinda sorry to be there...like... "hhmmm, I am here...uhmm.....sorry, but....." very little confidence. Do you agree with me?

Does Christine Lakin have confidence, yep, heaps of confidence and loads of sex appeal. Fashionably dressed in a beautiful blue dress, make up not fantastic, but not bad either, stunning high heeled sandals, complimenting a pair of beautiful legs. I think the smile says a lot, and in this case, I would think, gives her the edge.

A woman I think never lacks confidence, is Ciara. She literally glows with confidence, and it is not difficult to understand why, she must have the best shaped legs in the whole of USA. Now the dress is stunning, and the heels do their part to shape those calves, not that the heels are really needed, but her confidence is her best asset. Ok, second best, I think her legs are her number one asset. She's got it, and she definitely flaunts it.... big time!

Let me demonstrate something to you just so I can proof my point, let's take a look at two different pics of the same celebrity. Jennifer Aniston, in this pic looks kinda hesitant and not sure of herself, she lacks confidence, hence, very little sex appeal, despite the sexy dress and heels.

Same Jennifer, different picture altogether, in this picture she is kick ass sexy! Loads of sex appeal, elegant and vibrantly stylish. Why, you ask... Because she literally glows with confidence. Pay special attention to the smile, but also the walk, her posture, all signs of confidence.

Does Jullianne Hough lack confidence? Not a bit, actually I would classify her as a little over confident, almost too much in my opinion. Yes, she does look sexy, but in this specific picture she goes a little over board.

Last pic, someone who doesn't lack confidence, nor sex appeal, Megan Fox. She literally sparkles with sex appeal, actually an almost bad ass kinda sex appeal. She is the kind of girl who enters a noisy function, and suddenly it is quiet, the smell of her perfume mixing with the air in the room, guys eyes out on stalks to admire her beauty.... the girls all suddenly turn green with envy... haha, gettin carried away here.... confident? No doubt! Sex appeal? Loads of it.

So what do you say?? Do you all agree with me, does confidence and sex appeal have something in common? Your turn, tell us.
And please, visit Antoine's site, he will no doubt entertain you with his special way with words, and his beautiful pictures.
Have a wonderful day.
Nice fill someone in on and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.
Indeed. I love Jen A.;)
Great post and I definitely agree! xx
Great post!! I agree with you, but I don't think Julianne is over doing it lol she looks fantastic!
I have to agree. You picked out the perfect photos where women looked hesitant versus confident. There is a difference. Great post Colin! xo
Hey Colin darling, great post. Confidence is really important, you show that with the pictures you have posed ...but we should not forget that coming across as over-confident can be really off putting.
Weekend is getting closer Colin...I will be working friday-tuesday:(
I love Jennifer Aniston, her legs are just perfect !
And you are right confidence is really important, but too much confidence is not better!
confidence really is the key to feeling and being sexy. jennifer aniston is my favorite when it comes to both :)
Thanks INFINITELY for this linked tribute Colin, a Pleasure !!!
About Anne Hathaway (who really reminds me a Liv Tyler's "neo romantic-like" double) I think that it's more a question of Charm AND Freshness than a plastic perfection's One, AND that her Sex Appeal is less striking than ethereal . . .
ps: OOoooh YES Ciara Marvelously defines THE "KILLing legs" (Vavavoooooooooomesque) idea !!!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
I would agree! And I'd walk around all confident-like too if I had legs like Ciara! That girl is a perfect 10!
I noticed that all the women in your pictures who are confident are smiling too. I find someone's smile an extremely important and noticeable accessory.
Oh Collin....you are so right. A mind without confidence is like a dress without a body.
It is an amazing thing when you watch a woman walk into a room with utter self-confidence and then another maybe even more physically attracting but with no confidence. One cannot help but gravitate back to that one with all the positive energy.
I have always said...no one wants to hang around a sad and negative person....everyone loves to hang around a happy and positive person. How does one appear happy and positive....through a confident energy~
Hey Colin!
I totally agree that confidence is everything - but, if it's used correctly!
Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to your next post!
Jen Aniston dress is amazing!!!!!
+i really like ur blog+the photos u choose!~
keep up the good work!
many hellos from Athens, Greece!
I agree with you! confidence is the only REAL sexiness in a women
I agree! It is all about confidence and how comfortable the woman looks that will make her look sexy.
yes colin i'm in ur way..
i like megan fox.. she's so fabulous..
great post as always colin..
I really love Jennifer Aniston! :)
Another fabulous post!! I agree : ) xx
I think some people are just more comfortable in front of the camera. Now that seems odd since these people are all performers. But being behind a mic or in a movie shoot is different than the red carpet.
So I think there's a difference between comfort and confidence.
But if we define confidence, by being comfortable getting dressed up, etc. then absolutely I would agree with your assessments. Megan Fox is head over heels, no pun intended, the hottest!
my fav is Ciara
kisses&have confidence *.^
YES! Confidence and sex appeal completely go hand in hand with one another. Whenever a woman is confident she instantly effuses sheer sexiness. And I adore you for featuring Alicia Silverstone here - I will forever love her!! :)
I think confidence & sex appeal are similar and without confidence, aka self-esteem, you will not be happy even if you have finer things in life.
However, having confidence does not necessary mean you'll feel sexier. So it's kinda complicated... not sure how to explain it :/ Mon Mode Blog
i couldn't agree more. confidence is the way to be sexy.
i couldn't agree more. confidence is the way to be sexy.
Hi Colin,
its me Persis with a brand new blog layout which is why i guess you didnt recognize me.
loved this post and i always feel that you could be wearing the most expensive dress ever but without confidence and the right body language end up looking bad.
have a fab week ahead!
Great post- I love Antoine and agree that confidence is definitely key. You can dress up in anything you'd like but you need the innate confidence within. I love Megan Fox and also think Cameron Diaz never lacks confidence/sex appeal with her wide smile and the way she carries herself!
Wow nice pictures and post!!!
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I really like how you used the photos to illustrate your point. It made all the difference.
And I completely agree...if you lack confidence, you're still only half-dressed.
Approvingly your article helped me truly much in my college assignment. Hats afar to you post, wish look forward for more cognate articles promptly as its anecdote of my choice subject-matter to read.
i agree *nod nod*
confidence is related to sex appeal. when you think you're attractive, it turns out, they find you attractive too. :D
I love Jeniffer Aniston! :D
I really enjoy all of your posts. I hope things are well or mostly well :)
Wonderful post,thanks for sharing.I really love your blog.
How do I walk with confidence and have sex appeal at the same time? I am comfortable in my looks and in my own skin. I just want people to notice my confidence? How can I achieve this? Some girls I see in public, has this same kind of confidence in public, and people see this!
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